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Date Posted: 02:11:24 10/06/01 Sat
Author: Pantera
Subject: Just a few comments, and some clarfications. Please read, everyone.

Hi all. I'd first like to say I have absolutely no problem with anyone in this fed. This includes X-Con, Outlaw and any IUWF people. To the best of my knowledge, there are no personal conflicts of any kind with any of these people and any conflicts I do have are of an IC nature. If ANY of my comments on the RP board have offended or slighted anyone, then I do apologise. I thought I was in-character, and I was perceived not to be. Therefore I didn't do my job in portraying my character correctly and I take responsibility for that. I also promise to work on that aspect.
Secondly, I would like to say that I've enjoyed the IUWF/RAW conflict and would like to see it continue. I've spoken to Chula and Chris and I'm content with the direction of things as they are. I think everyone who is currently passionate about this fed should speak up and express their support and show the organisers here that we SHOULD continue in a united fashion to get things done. I will give my utmost in my promos and general comments to be worthy of the titles awarded me, and I have faith that everyone else will, too. Let's not let one person divide and create suspicion amongst us, please. Let's move on and enjoy things.
Thirdly, I would ask X-Con and anyone else who is considering leaving to please reconsider your decision and give things a chance. Yes, we all bitch, yes we can be insulted and insulting, but we do this for fun and relaxation and to be around others who also enjoy this. Apologise if you're wrong; embrace your friendships; and above all, communicate. If you do that, we'll always know where the lines are drawn. I'm sorry if this seems preachy, but I do believe all of this. And if anyone would like to talk or just say hi, my email is above. :)
Thanks for your time and let's make this fed a great one. :)

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