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Date Posted: 14:23:07 07/11/01 Wed
Author: Mr. Tommy Anderson
Subject: Listen Mr. Pott... I understand people have lives... we all have lives... but i just want to let you in on something that i have learned in my 31 years on this planet... We all have deadlines as well... if us as wrestlers cant make a deadline, what happens? we loose... like i did last week to X-con... I understand this and except it... DONT even think for a minute i am complaining about that... back to the deadline thing... if you want this place to grow and prosper, you need to meet your deadlines as well, and if you are all just that too busy to do it then i sugest you close the doors. Now don't get me wrong, I am not upset in the latness of the card, hell no hehe I'm still waiting for the NHW Doomsday Results lol... all i am is saying is DEAL... you last comments came off hard on us as wrestlers... so i just want you to see our side as well... like you said before and Benway before you... "THANK YOU"
In reply to: YOUR FUCKING PREZ, JOE FUCKING POTT. 's message, "AND I AIN'T DONE! Fuck, i'm too pissed off about that shit, plus other loads of crap to just handle that problem so nicely. First off, i think i know who it is, and if it is who i think it is, damn, you better stop, asshole, i ain't gonna take this shit, and second of all, i want whoever did this to e-mail me ASAP. I'm gonna e-mail the person i think did this, and if this person didn't do it, he better talk me out of it, because i've had enough. Now, about the card, the fucking card is not out because the staff people have lives, now, if you want to bitch about it it's fine with me, i would bitch to, but do it on the fucking OOC board, that's what it's for, and fuck!" on 13:27:57 07/11/01 Wed

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