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Date Posted: 07:21:57 11/17/02 Sun
Author: valntino
Subject: CAN WE BE FRIENDS????
In reply to: Riff Hepburn 's message, "Re: Rocky Horror Penpals by snail-mail" on 03:39:00 03/19/00 Sun

Hi there !!!
how are you doing ?
My name is KARIM , 21years old (Male) ,student in the 3rd year in a sciences and technologies university ,i look for a new friends really from any country , Age ,Sex, Colour ,Race ,Religion .…
I look for a sincere friend, to share thoughts, Cry, laugh , dreams and talk together any subject .
i think our lives is so short and it's very nice to know more about other , civilisations , countries ,cultures , religions....
we are not alone in this planet , there many different kind of people we don't know anything about them ,we must open our doors for others
Stop having prejudice let's discover it by our selves not from others experiences .
let's build a true friendship ,and share the white and the black day , let's show to each other something of our thoughts and different corners of our lives .
I love writing letters via snail mail ,I prefer the letter by post more than e mail , because it's something memorable and you can keep it for always , but an email you can delete it easily even if it's full of many beautiful things , the letter you can read it many times, and reading between lines, and keep it forever .
ok it's all , welcome to all people ,even if u prefer e mails :), I'm a very open-minded person and of course we can talk any subject . i promise to answer at any MSG or letter , i speak Arabic , French fluently , English , a little German .
my e-mail is paradise_angel20@yahoo.fr , if u are interesting just drop me a line , give me the chance to know you.
Best wishes
Karim .
This my address:

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  • Re: Rocky Horror Penpals by snail-mail -- nathaniel adu (hi), 04:58:35 08/21/06 Mon
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