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Date Posted: 10:59:30 02/18/03 Tue
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Well, first off we(the owners) are working on moving Fantail Creek Stables to Geocities.I'm getting someone I know to do a layout for the main page, so I think it will look pretty cool.We still have some pages to make, so it might take a bit till everything is done.As for the new message boards, well, were looking, but I think I found the message board I thinkwe should use.It called boards 2 go ( I made my auction board on it, & I quite like it.Ok, for other stuff, Saddle has taken over the racing page, & has made a horse retirement & rehabilitation center for horses.The racing page is very cool, if you haven't checked it out alreayd, you should do so.Saddle has some racehorses up for sale & auxtion, not to mention races to enter.(although all racehorses have to re-do there maiden race.)You have to get your eexercise ridr & jockey license before you can enter a race though.The r & r center is looking for donations, & helpers, so check it out.being a helper at the R & R might be a great job for a dim kid, or a member.Ok, so thats about it for now, more updates will come soon, so TTFN!
~Dana, Your Official Occasional Updates Poster~
ALSO!!! Oooh! oooh! CALLING ALL PEOPLE WITH ARABIANS!!! SIM Scottsdale 2003 is going to be going on through March 6-9 this is a show for anyone with Arabians, an all-game, all-stable show, so check it out.You can only enter purebred Arabians though.I'm entering my Arabian mare, TF Araalyn. (who I will be importing here soon) The only requirement is that your horse have a page.Mine is on geocities.If you want, I can help you make your pages for your horse, & your geocities account.My page for TF Araalyn is pretty simple, the URL is So check out her page!!! If you enter SIM Scotssdale, there is a chance that your horse might place, so you should enter! If you place, your horses gets points.We are going ot be setting up a point system on FC soon.However, you have to show where you got your horse so you can't just create your horses out of thin air.I got TF Araalyn from an auction board.You can either import a horse from some sim game(we will check to make sure the horse was there, & the horses background) from a stable somewhere that isn't attatched to a sim game, we need the stable name & URL, or from an auction board, which we will need the name & URL of.Also, I will be updating the links page with all sorts of stables not attatched to sim games that sell horses, show boards, other sim games, shows, associations, etc. etc., that sort of stuff...Well, TTFN, once again!
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