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Subject: Jade's Horses 4 Sale/Auction

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Date Posted: 20:23:30 02/15/03 Sat
Author Host/IP: lon-on54-014.netcom.ca/

Knights Honor
9 year old black Hanovarian stallion, 17 hands, impressive movement, spirited disposition, 3rd level dressage, has potential all the way for Grand Prix, jumping 5', needs a strong, active rider who will take him to the top in 3 day events.

No Comment
10 y/o bay,gelding, Thoroughbred pony, 14.2hh. He is a gentleman, very well trained & quiet, easy to handle, loads of talent. He jumps 3'-9" & does 2nd level dressage! He can take young riders far in hunters & eventing. He would do best with an intermediate/advanced rider ready for big shows, but No Comment is gentle enough for young kids to learn on as well. Fantastic english pony!

Name: Sun Of A Gun
Sire: Gunsmoke
Dam: Sunset
Age: 2 years old
Color: liver chestnut
Breed: TB/Saddlebred
Gender: colt
Height To Be: 16 hands
Potential In: saddle seat,(equitation & pleasure) the hunter/jumpers, dressage, halter, driving & 3-day eventing
Disposition: flashy, spirited & willing

Name: Knight To Order
Sire: Knights Honor
Dam: Maid to Order
Height to be: 17hh
Age: 2
Color: Bay
Gender: Colt
Breed: Hanoverian
Discipline: Eventing
Disposition: He is a little brat of a foal who responds to only females for some reason and he LOVES to bite males. He is just being broken in and he is doing well. He would make an excellent Eventer.

Simply The Sunset
Simply the Best x Sunset
3 years old
WM To: 15.1 to 15.3 hands
disciplines to be: dressage, the hunter/jumpers, saddleseat, driving and halter.already leads.
disposition: spirited but a real sweetie at times.

Name: Smokey Star
Sire: Gunsmoke
Dam: Star Appeal
Age: 3 years
Color: dapple grey
Breed: Hanoverian
Gender: colt
Height To Be: 16.3 hands
Potential In: showjumping
Disposition: spirited & willing but sometimes very sweet

Summer Storm
Sire: Storm Cloud
Dam: Summer Breeze
6 months old
light chestnut
WM to 15-15.3 hands
Storm is a very cute & sweet horse.He gets along with just about anything & is even good with children despite the fact that he is a young colt.Storm has potential for the hunters & for dressage.He would be good for a adult rider, or even a teenager despite the fact that he is a stallion.He has excellent conformation & should also be good at halter.He is a sweetie with a kind heart.Storm will be an awesome dressage horse and/or hunter, with potential to do at least 3rd level dressage & 3'-6" jumps.Might be able to do 4" jumps, has potential to go very high in dressage

Sunset Flash
Sire: Simply the Sunset
Dam: Flashy Blue Ribbon
Age: newborn
Colour: black and white
Gender: colt
Disciplines to be: driving, halter, jumping/hunting, saddleseat.
Disposition: very cute but spirited sometimes.

Lil' Miss Midnight Splash
5 y/o black & white Paint mare, 15hh. Trails, barrel racing, cutting, halter, reining, pleasure, trail, you name it - anything western this agile, swift mare can do easily and willingly.

Name: Special Kiss "Kiss"
Sire: Special Edition
Dam: Hershey's Kiss
Age: 2 years old
Colour: bay
Breed: Morgan
Gender: filly
Height to be: 15.2hh
Disciplines to be: dressage,saddleseat,english pleasure
Info: smart, pretty and determined to win.

Name: Miss Fire Works
sire:Fire Works
dam:Miss Demeanor
Dutch Warmblood
2 years old
will mature to 16.2 to 17 hands high
liver chestnut
disciplines to be:a showjumping and dressage
disposition:cute,playful and sweet

Name: The Fox "Foxy"
Age: 3
Sire: Simply the Best
Dam: Shadow Fox
Breed: Saddlebred
Gender: filly
Colour: chestnut
Disciplines to be: saddleseat, dressage,showjumping
Foxy is spirited girl. Has a great attitude.

Shadow Fox
looking for the perfect saddleseat lesson horse or sim kids horse? Fox is it!!! Fox is a 8 y/o black bay 15.3 hand Saddlebred mare.This mare not only does Saddleseat equitation, she also does side saddle(jumping,pleasure & equitation), driving, halter & the jumpers.Fox is very flashy, but she is also very sweet & is gentle with younger kids.Shadow Fox is great for anybody whether there a young child or a older teenager.She has good conformation and great movement & gaits.She is very smooth & is very experienced in showing @ saddleseat & everything else she does.Shadow jumps 2'-6" with ease & is loved by the judges in anything she does.

6 y/o chestnut Saddlebred mare, 15.1hh. Cinnamon is very flashy & smooth, with a sweet, calm disposition. She loves attention and does great with kids & adults. This beautiful young mare is a champion halter, english pleasure, & saddleseat/gaited pleasure champion. She is also lots of fun in gymhkana events & on trail rides.

Name: Flashy Blue Sunset
Sire: Simply the Sunset
Dam: Flashy Blue Ribbon
Age: newborn
Colour: black and white
Breed: Saddlebred
Gender: filly
Disciplines to be: driving, halter, 4' jumping, saddleseat
Disposition: cute and spirited

Name: Miss Sun
Sire: Tequila Sunrise
Dam: Miss Perfect
Gender: filly
Age: Newborn (8 months)
Height: WM 15hh
Colour: Copper Chestnut
Disciplines to be: all western, 3rd level dressage, saddleseat, 4' jumping.
Dispostion: DROP DEAD GORGEOUS! but spirited

Name: Simply The Best Dancer
Sire: Simply the Best
Dam: Sunshine Dancer
Breed: Saddlebred
Gender: filly
Age: Newborn (8 months)
Height: WM 16.2hh
Colour: Bay
Disciplines to be: Saddleseat, english equition, 2nd level Dressage, 4' jumping, driving.
Dispostion: very cute and spirited

Rain Or Shine
This 12.1 hand, dapple grey Dartmoor pony mare has a cute jump along with a sweet disposition.Shine is a hunter pony who jumps 2'-6".She is a experienced show pony at 10 years old, currently doing A-rated hunter shows.Shine is perfect for a child, whether there a beginner, or a advanced rider.This little mare is the kindest thing on 4 feet & is a real sweetheart.

This pretty 17 hand Hanoverian mare would be a great horse for a pre-teen or even a teenager.Aphrodite loves people & is very sweet, but she can be very spirited & fiery at times.At 9 years old, this chestnut colored mare does both dressage & showjumping.She does the 4 foot jumpers & does 2nd level dressage.

Name: Sunset
Age: 11 y/o
Color: chestnut
Breed: Saddlebred
Gender: mare
Height: 15.2hh
Disciplines: She does english & saddleseat pleasure, saddleseat equitation, 2'-6" jumping, 1st level dressage, and halter.
Disposition: 5 gaited, flashy, smooth & well trained. She is sweet & spirited. Sunset is an experIenced & talented horse in the show ring

Little Princess
15 year old
12.3 hh.
She is great for the intermediate or advanced rider. Trained in gymkhana, dressage, the hunter/jumpers, reining, barrel racing & halter.jumps 2'-3" & does training level dressage.She is very fast. She knows her stuff well and would be an ideal pony club or 4-H horse. Will stand for hours being groomed, but once in the ring she is very excitable.Not for a beginner.

Time Will Tell
Sire: The Winning Touch
Dam: Somewhere in time
Age: 2 years old
Breed: Holsteiner
Color: black, will grey
Gender: filly
Height to be: 17hh
Potential in: showjumping & dressage
Disposition: sweet, fiery, cute & spirited

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Subject Author Date
Actually, I own No Comment & Knight To Order... (NT)Dana20:39:32 02/15/03 Sat
Buying>Susan05:50:29 02/16/03 Sun
Can I buy..Jenny06:52:42 02/16/03 Sun
I want>>Lana15:47:36 02/16/03 Sun
BuyingSaddle18:48:35 02/28/03 Fri

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