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Date Posted: 14:32:16 07/10/01 Tue
Author: Lost_1ne
Subject: Lost_1ne lay back as Saber activated a ground warfare protocol.
In reply to: 1ne 's message, "...Target 17: Acquired. Target 18: Acquired..." on 13:56:42 07/09/01 Mon

The 1ne considered enforcing no-death parameters to avoid hurting anyone, but such a hobbling of tactics could prove fatal to the 1ne and their ward. They datlinked about talking down the situation, but the way things had escalated and the military mentality spoke that they were nearly to the point of no return. Something had to be done.

Directives were implemented.

Protect Ali

Protect the Innocent

Defend the 1ne

The 1ne both realized that all of the three directives may very well require war tactics. The Tzu-Blisters had generated a steady stream of information with variables and x-factors involved...nothing would be left to chance if the situation turned dire.

As Lost lay back in the chair, a black oil like fluid began to ooze out of the crevices of the seat. They bubbled and dripped onto him, but not without purpose. Suddenly the seat was a bubbling pool and Lost slowly sank into it. A quantum particle beam was emitted from Saber’s inner cavity hardening the black fluid onto his skin. It was as shiny as her exterior as it hardened, and would be just as warm and strong. It would be an extension of herself used for battle. The 1ne began to remember what had originally put Lost into stasis before...a situation where Lost_1ne had to engage in ground combat to protect the 1ne.

The 1ne had come out victorious but Lost had been injured until only recently.

His head and face were underneath the fluid now as he vainly tried to hold his breath. He felt no fear but his body never allowed him to let go and change his breathing pattern. He intellectually understood the process and had done it many times...the 1ne were fluent in the language of war...but that never stopped his body’s fear.

When as an unborn child in the comfort of the mothers womb, human beings would breath amniotic fluid. They would breath in the oxygen rich liquid and releave themselves in it...a constant process until the day of birth. Upon birth the child learns a new way to breath. Using the lungs to process air.

The technology of Saber_1ne’s armour extension was similair and it required Lost returning to his natural state. He began to shudder and shake coffing into the liquid as it poured down through his nostrils and mouth and into his esophogal tube. The 1ne began to entwine even more as they became the basic individual that was being baptized in the now hardening fluid. Two voices now spoke inside of the 1ne. Saber_1ne’s feminine voice and now the deep voice of Lost_1ne...without the mechanical sound of a black box.

Lost stood and checked the Saber extension suit. His head was completely masked with the shiny black fluid. His body armour rigid and sharp...spiking up in incomprehensible areas. One could see some of the human muscles beneath...but his entire being looked lethal...an old deterrant long implemented into the 1ne’s core. If fear can disable your enemies instead of engagement...you have truly won the battle.

”Hi Lost!” she giggled, “What’s happenin’?”Lost turned to her and was surprised that there was no fear in Ali’s young eyes. Only recongnition. He knew that she couldn’t see his face or even know that this was his true voice which was in the 1ne right now...but yet she smiled at him and knew him.

”Ali.” How does he explain this situation to her? How would he tell her that They are trying to force her away from the 1ne.

He didn’t have to. The entire inside of Saber was a projection of what was happening outside in real-time. Everything was there. The heavy-artillery mechanoids on the walls, positioning themselves for suppressive fire. The inverted V before Saber fanning out to form a phalanx. Dr. Reed, surrounded by a puddle of resin, the compound has been confirmed as being a sort of glue, reacts fairly well to heat after the soldier had shouted at her.

Ali didn’t blink. If the 1ne had not known better they would have assumed that Ali had expected something like this to happen. But the 1ne did know better and attested it to the recent psychological probe. We may have opened parts of her mind that she hasn’t used in a long time. It’s happened before. We shouldn’t be surprised if her IQ is even higher now...but we’ll concern ourselves about that later.

”Ali, do you want to stay and watch or would you rather go to sleep?”She must have the choice. No matter her age she must decide if she wants to watch this or not. Her way of dealing with things must be brougt to the fore...not our fear of her becoming something other than we project her to be. We are in agreement

”Will someone talk to me if I stay and watch?”

”We both will. We always have time for you. We love you, Ali.”

She smiled,nodded and sat comfortably in the chair which moments before was a bubbling mass of black fluid. She mouthed that she loved them too...knowing that they could see her as well as she saw them.

Lost smiled, even though she couldn’t see past his shiny black insect-like mask as he stood before Saber’s hatch...he knew it wasn’t going to open yet. But when it did, he would be ready.

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