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Date Posted: 21:25:24 10/03/01 Wed
Author: http://wsphotofews.excite.com/029/qv/c5/Hq/Er95669.jpg
Subject: joining

Name:Xev Bellringer
Species:human/cluster lizard.
Powers:well none of the listed ones.but bein a love slave she is very suductive

History:When we first encounter Zev, the female lead, she is not much to look at. She is ugly and tough as nails, hardened by a life deprived of love and human contact. Given up by her parents at an early age to an electronic holocare home as a candidate for the wife bank, Zev ultimately proves to be a poor choice as a bride.
In the very first episode, Zev is a prisoner charged with the crime of "humiliating her husband in the temple" and "failure to perform her wifely duties." Her punishment is to be transformed into a love-slave and given to a cleric. The process she is to undergo is intended to reshape her body into ideal proportions and to cause her to fall madly in love with whomever she sees first after the transformation. However, due to circumstance, the process is only half successful: Zev receives the body of a pin-up girl and a raging libido, but retains her original tough personality, and do desire to please anyone in particular but herself. The process also leaves her infused with cluster lizard blood, which increases her appetite for raw meat and leaves her with an aggressive need for adventure.
Zev is strongly attracted to Kai, who cannot respond to her advances. Due to the love slave procedure she has raging desires and lusts that need to be filled.

But Stan, the only other complete male on the ship, just doesn't appeal to her. She finds him physically unattractive, weak-willed and self-serving, and even with her need for men, she still has her standards. The robot head 790, with his constant declarations of love, cannot satisfy either; he simply isn't equipped to please her.
Early on in Lexx a situation arises which results in the switch from Zev to Xev. Same great body, same tough personality, different hair and dress (Xev chooses to garb herself in the skin of a cluster lizard rather than her old wedding dress).
We see that Xev is beginning to grow into her personality: no tolerance for boredom, more clashes with Stan over who makes the decisions on board the Lexx, more need for physical fulfillment.
When things get hairy and the action kicks into high gear, it often falls to Xev to get the crew out of a jam. Above all, Xev is a survivor. But if she ever has to make an "it's me or them" decision, she will always choose to help her shipmates.but the lexx was attacked and xev was the only survivor

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