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Name: Kyra
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Nymph
Powers: Air, Electricity
Personality: She's friendly and impulsive. She has a tendency to lose her temper easily, and when she does, watch out! She tends to lose control of her emotions easily, and when that happens, she loses control of her powers too. If you manage to stay on her good side, though, you've got a friend for life. Though she's technically on the "good" side, she's not exactly a "goodie-goodie"...
History: Kyra is a former theif, trying to go straight. Abandoned at birth, she had no real choice but to live on the streets...and the rest is history. ((In other words, I'm too lazy to make up a longer one.))
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- I'll find a piccie sooner or later...prolly later because i'm not good with that kind of stuff -- Kyra, 21:10:11 01/24/02 Thu