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Date Posted: 23:32:09 09/17/02 Tue
Author: A Really Mysterious Poster
Subject: It watched silently whilst streaking majestically across the sky in a sinister invisible manner...

"...warning all who saw the stealthy but brilliant light that night that doom came to the entire universe..." wrote Bobby sat in his bedroom in a Manarian farmhouse. The boy chewed his pencil for a moment then sighed, screwed up the paper and threw it into a growing pile in his waste paper basket.

Outside the farmhouse's window a very boring meteorite glowed a dull cherry red in the night as it entered the atmosphere. Unusually the meteorite had not burned up entirely but had lost a considerable amount of mass. It was perhaps a ten foot long oval trailing smoke amd fire, its unusual shape possibly upgrading it to fairly boring. A few farmers stumbling back from a local bar ducked and held onto their straw hats as it flashed over head, disturbing plants and causing livestock to make all sorts of distressing noises and smells.

Fortunately for the farmers the now fairly boring meteorite fell towards a dark and muddy field, clipping a sign that read: "Manarian Wildlife Reserve: Authorised Persons Only!" It carved a furrow across the dirt and grass like a drunken plowshare until coming to a rest against a fence. The smoke cleared after a few minutes, revealing a stasis pod with Starbase Rugby markings.

Something narrowed its eyes in the adjacent field and gave a beastial snort.

The statis pod appeared slightly dented, but otherwise undamaged. A DNA scanner telescoped out of the furrow and informed the empty field that it was beginning a scan in a pleseant but slightly worried voiced. Spooky green light lit up a nearby skeletal tree, some grass and a few shrubs.

The creature began moving towards the intruding piece of recently arrived geography.

The pleseant voice started to sound a increasingly strident as it extended the range of its probe. The program only had a few more seconds before the statis pod went back into standby mode to await retrieval. The errie green light swept further across the field, occasionally touching the nearby fields.

It's tiny but vicious mind indentified the source of the irritating light and began kicking at the gate seperating the field. A few telling blows reduced the offending woodwork to matchsticks and the foul creature advanced on the fallen sky-thing.

"Life Form Identified! Scanning and replicating DNA! Assigning Transformation Codes!" chattered the statis pod computer excitedly. A bright yellow light spilled from the seals of the stasis pod as it opened. A silouetted shaggy shape rose from the pod and glared down at the indigenous DNA donner.

The creature spat in the new arrival's right optic, kicked the stasis pod and ambled back into its own field.

The strange visitor clambered out of the pod, noting the four thin, hairy legs.

"Quadraped? Nice!" he exclaimed, briefly strutting. However the transformer stopped in mid strut when his memory uploaded his transformation codes. He looked at a hoof in horror.

"No way!" he gasped. "This has gotta be a mistake!"

The Maximal closed its optics, hanged his head and said in a resigned voice...


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