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Date Posted: 21:05:20 12/08/02 Sun
Author: stoney mc stone-a-lot
Subject: everybody must get stoned

yea give up the funk and make my funk the p-funk. woo woo. yea smoke it like i like it. smoke it like snoop dogg, thadogg, clawdawg, yea like a chipmunk. smoke it like dr dre, like the marijuana leaf on the cover of his cd, that looks like good pot. call me boston george, george jung from blow, smoke it like him and fuck penelope cruz! smoke it like the count on the muppet show, he was alwasy counting stuff. or smoke it like the cookie monster. smoke to your own head, pack a bowl 5 times and smoke before you go to sleep. that's a lot of pot. my suitmate just showed me a friggin ounce, that shit is huge! smoke it till ya lungs hurt, till ya eyes get red, till ya mouth gets dry, and till ya laugh when your friend says "mad shit", i laughed i'm still laughing, hahaha. yea so smokey mc smokes a lot says to cover your load befoer you get a choad. later fellas


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