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Subject: Boredom Breeds Nostalgia

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Date Posted: 10:28:11 01/27/05 Thu

When one seriously considers taking the vanilla Thomas boy up on some ill-fated adventure, it's time for a priority check. Anyway, was Pat O's in the quarter for a little after work piano bar time when I run into Pierre Dupleix, which prompted the question "What is the state of the Scholars' union today?"
So I pull up an old bookmark and lo and behold, its still alive! Gasping for breathe as a fish stranded on shore, but catching just enough seaspray to keep it going that much longer. Bravo. I am heartened to see old names returning and ever more so to see new ones appear. If anyone feels like dropping a line to an old dropout friend, please do.
I'm running restaurants in the New Orleans area and got Uncle Ted and the occasional Chris Owens to keep me company.

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