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Subject: Lecture on Churchill , Freedom & Democracy

Inder Dan Ratnu
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Date Posted: 03:02:00 06/02/02 Sun

Dear Sir,
I am an author from Jaipur, India who has written two books on Sir Winston Churchill, both of which are now selling through The Churchill Center USA and have been reviewed by their Chairman, Richard Langworth, in their journal _Finest Hour_ issue106(available online). I have also been lecturing on "Churchill & Freedom" for the past 28 years in India before various gatherings of people including clubs, tourists groups, secondary schools, and colleges in an effort to highlight the work of Churchill. I work to enhance the awareness of the younger generation of the cause of freedom and its greatest defender - Churchill.
In my lectures I always make it a point to recite the pieces of Churchill's great war speeches -- his original words, which are at my command -- to emphasize his finer qualities, work, and philosophy. Churchill was not only a war leader, but also a great literary figure. His speeches are thought-provoking pieces that create the same mind-electrifying effect today that they did during World War II. During the course of my speeches, I explain to the young people how Sir Winston's work has been instrumental in shaping their own lives for the better, what lessons they should learn from his life and work -- including respect for democratic values, tolerance of all kinds of differences (e.g., political, national, regional, religious, ethnic, racial, and cultural), and promoting nonviolence. I believe that my work can serve as a good counter to those who wish to inspire young people toward terrorist philosophies for one reason or another. In the lecture I also touch upon my country and its culture .

Churchill has been acknowledged as the "man of the century" (and also “greatest Briton”) by the intelligentsia of the world -- the most important man of the twentieth century, the greatest century in the history of mankind. And the young people in the most parts of the world (particularly in the developing countries) DO NOT even know who this man was or what he did, not to mention his relevance to their present-day life. It is my observation during the course of my speeches/lectures through hand counts, etc. that a great number of the present day generation DO know the name of Hitler and many of them view him as a "hero" without realizing the implications of it. Therefore, I strive to "introduce" Churchill to the new generation and seek to project him in the proper light by explaining in detail the implications in terms of the freedoms they enjoy in today's world. Besides, my lecture is more oriented to strengthen and promote the concept of FREEDOM & DEMOCRACY than to build up a personality cult around the name of Churchill . He figures only as the greatest defender of these values .

If you are interested in viewing photos of me lecturing at Indian schools and acquiring more information about me, please visit my web site at :

I encourage you also to view the “testimonials” from the university and numerous prominent schools here where I have lectured. Please click "view letter" to see the original testimonials. You may also access my “home page” from the gallery page.

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.SirWChurchill.narod.ru">http://www.SirWChurchill.narod.ru</a>

I must mention that I am not doing this work for the purpose of acquiring personal fame or fortune, but as a commitment to a noble cause through self-inspiration in order to pay my tributes to the man who preserved my own FREEDOM, so that future generations (as well as our own present one) may live in peace, freedom and harmony of entire mankind. Essentially, I am doing the same job in my own humble way in the capacity of an individual as Sir Winston did on the world scale as a leader of a leading nation by WAGING A WAR for the preservation of Freedom and Democracy in the world. I am doing it as a creative, constructive, and positive intellectual work. I am trying to sow the seeds of freedom in the minds of the young so that there is NO NEED for any WAR in the future to "preserve" it. My lectures are useful not only to students of history and English literature, but to ALL students in general, regardless of academic standing or choice of discipline. It is a matter of general knowledge. This has nothing to do with my formal educational qualification (Bachelor of Agriculture Science) or with my profession (Banker). I am doing this job driven by the CALL OF MY CONSCIENCE. I wrote even the above books due to this call .In fact , five years back in 1997 I gave up my well paid Bank officer's job just to do this work for the rest of my life, and it remains my life's mission.

I wish to expand my activities of educating the young generation about Churchill and Freedom to other parts of the world, particularly at schools and colleges(even to other interested groups), and wish to inquire as to WHETHER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN SCHEDULING ME TO LECTURE AT THE FORUM OF YOUR CENTER/INSTITUTION OR AT ANY SCHOOL/COLLEGE CONNECTED WITH IT ?

Please feel free to contact me at : id@datainfosys.net. I got your address through the Internet.
Thank you very much for your time and attention.

Yours sincerely,
Inder Dan Ratnu

ADDRESS : I D Ratnu , C-7 , Vaishalinagar , Jaipur (India)302021
Telephone: 91-141-350626

Author of: "Alternative to Churchill-The Eternal Bondage"
& "Layman's Questions About Churchill"

PS- I got my education at village schools under trees in one of the most backward regions of my country - Jaisalmer District of Rajasthan province. I NEVER had the occasion to study at an English medium school, and learned to speak English largely by listening to BBC. I have addressed, at times, MA English literature students. You can see their comments under "testimonials" at my website. My example can serve as a source of inspiration for novices to the English language .

PS- Churchill was awarded Nobel Prize in 1953, NOT for winning the War, but for his contribution to "English literature." And I recite(as they are at my command) the finest pieces of those very speeches which (along with his writings) won him the Nobel Prize. Churchill's speeches can serve as a great tool of learning ‘refined’ English.

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