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Subject: just an update, cuz that seems to be the trend

Matt Saye (Te if you're down)
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Date Posted: 19:37:07 08/11/03 Mon

well, here's an update on our current situation. with a tear in my eye and a smile in my heart i waved one last goodbye to natchitoches last week. though the town may not have been much, i know i'm going to miss all you Scholars' kids. but enough sentimentality, because i'm here in oxford! well, not the one in england, the one in mississippi. it seems i've traded one small town for another, only this one is more Southern in the classical sense (read: overtly racist). actually, it's not THAT bad, although i do catch undertones here and there. the good news is, though, autumn and i are real grown-ups because we have entered the magical land of home-ownership. that's right, we've bought a house... and not just any house, one that's in a brand new subdivision. so yes, the leftist hippy in residence has left natchitoches to become a Rebel (and not the leftist kind.... the kind that refers to the Civil War....) and also moved into Suburbia. but i suppose i'll just have to make due with the fact that not only is our house brand new, but we're paying about $100 less per month than we would if we wanted to live in squalor in a comparable size house. (we pay $668 a month... three bedroom squalor is $750, and our house we be $900 a month if we rented it) so i think it was a good choice. anyhow, school starts in two days and i was just feeling sentimental. if any of my former classmates see this, give me a holler. my email's the same: tempus_fugitive@lycos.com

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