Subject: i guess people should write more |
Author: jeremy henriques
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Date Posted: 17:10:21 10/07/03 Tue
hey jeff. just looked up the message board on the off chance that something interesting was on. i'm still hagning out in atlanta helping my parents open another office. i just got done with my fourth and last med school secondary application. i'm enjoying the time off from school, but i feel like Brooks in shawshank are conditioned to keep learning and turning in reports, papers, homework, tests, cramming, classes, etc, for your entire childhood, and when you are out you are lost. i'm seriously in academic limbo, not being able to continue on with anything until next year, so i'm just trying to enjoy the break, but it's hard to have no deadlines or work to do. the thing i'm most looking forward to is the 5th book to the dark tower series by stephen king coming out soon. well, that about does it for now, but it would be cool to hear from some people like jenny rhea (since this is her baby, i think), sally and nursing school in the big NYC, and alex, of course, abroad in the land where the only drink served cold is beer (ah, heaven on earth). so listen to jeff, for once, he's worth listening to. (jk jeff, you know i love you)
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