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Date Posted: 14:50:28 02/04/03 Tue
Author: Leon
Subject: .:notice:.
In reply to: Anclaire 's message, "Glance" on 16:41:56 02/03/03 Mon

The young man noticed the girl immeadiately as she entered. Recognizing Aeronaya from the square, Prince Leon smiled. He was in a completely different attire. His black hair was drawn back at the nape of his neck, and his clothes actually looked like that he was of noble blood instead of the commoner clothes he had been wearing earlier. With a sly smile, the boy knew that the girl would not be able to tell that it was him, the little common boy with the warm smile and bright black eyes. Instead, he was the Prince of Kavanagh, with the warm smile and intense black eyes. Glancing to some of the boys he was seated with, all laughing and drinking their wine, when they noticed, that their friends attention had been drawn away, they started laughing loudly, making jest of him. Leon turned to them, his mouth turned into a half smile, "Laugh all you want now boys, go on ahead and laugh yer drunken heads off." Then they fell silent, glaring at him. *That outta shut them up.* he thought. Besides, that was no way for noble young men of the Royal court to act. Taking a small sip from the wooden cup, Leon glanced again at Aeronaya, he had met prettier maidens in his day. Not more than fifteen years. But he didn't like to judge by looks, besides, normally he didn't go for Princesses, since most of them were stuck up and snooty and were only after his gold. But this was one of those rare times that he dressed as a Prince out in public, and now he was glad, hoping the girl wouldn't recognize him.

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