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Date Posted: 18:05:46 02/11/03 Tue
Author: Kalub/Amarant
Subject: ...grinning...
In reply to: Aurora 's message, "~Hunger~" on 17:02:07 02/11/03 Tue

((Kalub's still 11! Hehe....i like this age...oh man...our charries are in their 30's!! oh how i don't wanna be reminded...hehe))

The door burst open, a flurrish of grey-red speckled wings and a pale complexion rushes through, grinning broadly. He stops, leaning over to catch his breath. After a brief moment, he lifts his head to spot his mother and immediately exclaims his excitement.

"Mom! Geez, you have to see...Dad got into a skirmish with a kitten...it's so funny-"

He is cut off, however, when the inn's door swings open again. This time, the tall form of a wingli enters the room, wings first. Letting the entrance close again, he turns about to glare disapprovingly at his only son. In his arms -which were notedly scratched to smithereens- was a very wet, a very muddy, and a very, very smelly, scared calico kitten. It mew piteously, squirming slightly at the sight of Aurora. Amarant grips it still, fumbling somewhat due to the slickness of the creature's fur.

"You're son," he grumbled, "begged me to rescue this thing from a mudhole. That's the last time I listen to a cat-lover."

Kalub smirked, a perfect duplicate of his father's usual expression. "I didn't say that you had to fly over him and scare that heck-or-whatever-cats-eat out of him. Grumpy."

The wingli eyes his son, finally giving up. "Get this thing out of my hands. Please. Now."

He pauses. "Good morning, Aurora."

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