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Date Posted: 11:09:46 02/22/03 Sat
Author: ...x...Sakr...x...
Subject: ...x...eagle...x...
In reply to: Danielle 's message, ".v. coming .v." on 11:00:39 02/22/03 Sat

...x...I am Sakr...x...

....x...my hair falls soft onto the ground.My heart beats not, it makes no sound.My soul is still, my mind is ill, and the circle of death goes round and round...x...

...x...the glass is broken on the floor.My eyes which cry no tears are sore.I am at rest, still is my chest, for I shall wake nevermore...x...

...x...in sorrow I sigh, my time is nigh.There comes a moment we all must die.But I am brave, so I will save what little memory life gave...x...


...x...Male shook his head lightly."No, he'll be fine." He said as he opened the door for her.The rain coming down quite hard."Wow, talk about a sudden change in weather."...x...


.x.My parents were human, and so am I...
.x.I tower upwards 6'1
.x.They call me Sakr
.x.I am the hated gender
.x.I have been hated and suffered for 24 winters.
.x.I watch you with pools of ebony.
.x.My history is an untold story...
.x.They describe me as Interesting, different.Peculiar, and slightly strange.An outcast, a weirdo.One of God's big mistakes...


.x.Name:...You Trickster You...
.x.MSN:Same as email
.x.AIM:crazygirl83089 or Wild Thang83089

There is a time to be born
And a time to die
A time to laugh
A time to cry
The sun rises each morning
Only to set
Yet what happens between
Never forget

Never forget his charming ways
And every smile that brightened your day
Always recall his handsome face
A bit of heaven you’re sure to taste
Keep close to your heart this angel with wings
Think of him when you do anything
He always offered a shoulder
On which you could cry
And now, from your tears,
He has wings, and will fly

...x...copywright by Sakr.Please ask to use...x...

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