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Date Posted: 16:31:20 11/15/02 Fri
Author: Briar
Subject: .x. anger .x.
In reply to: lily 's message, "»- -taps." on 14:43:57 11/15/02 Fri

.x. steps out from the shadows, as if invisible before, mouth twisted wryly into a grimace. a glare is directed towards the man named William and the girl, Sarah. he was what such snobby royalty would designate as 'scum', though the feeling tended to be mutual. besides his general attitude, including the feeling that most royals were wimps who wouldn't last a minute on their own-excepting Lily, Koji, and their sister-he dressed plainly in well worn close, and scratches, dirt, and dust, as well as a bit of dried blood littered him, and his hair was a mess. .x.

"So. You bleaters just go around hitting those 'lowers' who don't obey your every whim? If you're stooping enough to do that, then you farther in the dirt then I am."

.x. pure hatred and disgust radiated in the famiy's direction; bred to the bone with dislike for nobles, as well as having learned from experiance. he did however, approve of Sheliah's response, though from the way these people acted it seemed that she might be in for her own slap too. glancing over at Lily he kept a firm gaze; this was one matter they disagreed on. .x.

[occ-for one: sorry, i think her name was sarah, if it isn't, please ignore that. two, don't take any of this personal. he's prejucdiced; what can i say. of course, he's also coming from the street rat point of view. also, sorry for popping up here Lily: couldn't resist; there aren't many nobles to pick on. again, nothing personal, just my character's attitude.]

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