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Date Posted: 13:30:00 12/27/02 Fri
Author: Halo Phantom
Subject: Dark Laughter
In reply to: Cesely 's message, "+No words+" on 12:39:40 12/27/02 Fri

A dark laugh is heard in the room as he walks in through the door of the inn. In a cold voice he begins to talk, "Aw such a cute couple. Although it looks like she is hiding something from you Shadow. And Kenji it is amazing to see you here as well. Ah and look at poor Ravyn. Even though he sleeps he is getting stronger so it would be wise not to heal him completely yet. Three fighters can not face the Phantom Renigade. Even though the three of you from different places are legendary fighters. Kenji from his old home of Synuiel. Shadow from his home Hadels, and then Ravyn from his home the Dark Forrest. That is so he never had a home yet a legend in fighting. But then again so am I and you three know it." A smirk appears on his face as he holds up his hand and puts up his index finger. "One week. That is all you have to put together an army to face the Phantom Renigade. I am sure it will be great fun for the killer Shadow. After all you were a killer in the past but you let that girl weaken you. And Kenji the sworn protecter of everyone. And then Ravyn...well not much to say about him. Gather more people are you shall surely perish. Well then till we meet again." He fades away in a black mist with the words one week still echoing in the room.

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