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Date Posted: 16:57:47 01/06/03 Mon
Author: Dylon-Rowan
Subject: .x.staggers in.x.

The man walks down from the room, staggering slightly. His mind is faintly blurred. Perhaps I had too much to drink, back at the tavern, he thinks vaguely.
Behind him the slim figure of Rowan walks cautiously, worriedly, her wavy black hair falling over her shoulders and down her back. She recognizes her father's strangeness and knows that he has been drinking. She remembers his promise to just have one quick drink and then come to the Inn, but because he is so late and is acting strangely, she knows that there has been more than one.
"Daughter, get up here," Dylon commands. He turns toward her. "Aren't you thirsty, girl? Go buy yourself something, and while you're at it, get me a drink too. I'll rest here. I'm suddenly so tired." He sinks heavily into a chair.
Rowan's brow furrows. "But, Father-"
The man leaps to his feet, eyes ablaze. He hardly knows what he is doing as he shouts, "You are a child! You shall do what I say!" and strikes Rowan across the face. The girl falls to the floor of the Inn and lies there, staring up at her father with tears brimming in her clear eyes.

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