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Date Posted: 17:30:38 01/27/03 Mon
Author: Leon
Subject: .:startle:.
In reply to: Adelle 's message, ">watch<" on 11:20:29 01/26/03 Sun

The Prince watched the boy with his intense black eyes, *He knows magic.* The one thing that Prince Leonius Emrys of Kavanagh lacked, his one weakness that only he knew, he possessed no magic. His younger sister did of course, weak healing powers, but at least that was something, and Leon was the heir. Taking a sudden interest in the boy, for this Prince was not a spoiled palace brat at all (on his good days) for most of the times he passed for a commoner through town, but today had been his exception, just coming from talking with his father in the Town Square. But while this was all good, he still did not have many friends, and none of them happened to be male. Leon frowned inwardly *It's always my luck that the women are always wanting to befriend me.* Walking towards where the boy sat, his black ones meeting with the red ones, he spoke, "I'm Leon, and what Adelle says is true. But I would like to learn your name as well." His gaze pierced through the other just as he had done to him. Sizing him up it seemed, but it was hard to tell, the Prince was odd at times, and since his fifteenth birthday was a few days away, he was acting odder than ever.

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