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Date Posted: 13:37:36 02/18/02 Mon
Author: Dr. Deborah Reed
Subject: She sat up immediately, a scream on her lips...
In reply to: Dr. Deborah Reed 's message, "Deb rushed into her room..." on 11:31:54 11/10/01 Sat

...but she did not scream. Cold beads of sweat glistened on her forehead in her darkened chamber, reflecting the red glow provided by a single blip on her wall console. Trembling, she spoke:


She put an arm across her face as panel after panel flooded the room with more than her recently reopened eyes could take.

"Dimmer, dimmer! Seventy-five percent!"

The room became more bearable to look upon, and slowly she removed her arm, wiping her forehead dry in the process, the clamminess transferring to the sleeve of her evening gown. Tentatively, she looked around the room, half expecting it to be in shambles from some telekinetic outburst. Already her dreams(nightmares?) were fading, as dreams so often do. Images of the clouds, of some far off field skirted on her memory as she tried to focus. A soldier, not from Rugby by his uniform, older and kind called up to her...or was it it to her? She closed her eyes and tried to picture his face and the circumstances of the dream but could not, instead picturing the inside of a restaurant. Neither scene seemed to be from Rugby and, as she groggily got to her feet, she gave up any hope of recalling them. Dreams were often nonsense, a jumble of subliminal images taken from daily life and blended into a bizarre hybrid. Alone, the ingredients usually were quite mundane. A hallway. A stream. A table. A construction site. All harmless.

Deb stripped and stepped into the shower, noting with some disdain her protruding belly. Thus far, only Edward knew of her condition. She hadn't even been aware she was showing yet, and realized she probably owed Orderly Dyson an apology. His earlier observation, insensitive and insulting though it was, apparently possessed some merit. Deb sighed as she dressed, grateful for unstable molecules. At least her outfits would stretch to accommodate her as her pregnancy progressed.

Finally, she checked the flashing light on her wall console. It seemed medical services were needed for a traveller in a vessel nearby. She quickly grabbed a kit and transmitted to the medlabs that she would cover this emergency. The metal walls of the Starbase were feeling just a bit confining of late, and she welcomed the opportunity to go on an away mission, however close. It would take her mind off her current situation, and give her some time to consider how to break the news to Justin Grey. Sealing her quarters behind her, she made her way to the Docking Bay.

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