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Date Posted: 14:13:10 06/27/01 Wed
Author: Cayrn
Subject: Her eyes had long been focused on the high-rise before her,

but now they were focused on the trio that came out of the Senate.

The fox came first, looking about uncaringly, as if she were not the deadly killing machine in a disarming form. She transformed before stepping off the first step of the Senate stairs and her eyes were all vigilance. The Fox was a worthy nemesis, indeed. The other two were plush and fattened by the rich life of a senator.

She moved with the crowds, not against them, making sure to blend in with every single motion and breath of the crowd. If some cried for buyers to see their wares, she would wave her arms at them, wanting to purchase something. If she was bumped into a by a thug, she would cringe away, as expected...her eyes, even though they appeared to be looking everywhere, constantly followed the senators.

They were heading towards the richest restaurant in town. A beautiful restaurant with a rear exit (in the fine kitchen) a few rather large paned windows (one sided so that the customers couldn't see out but the jealous patrons could see in) and a front entrance (well-guarded from beggars).

She moved through the crowd knowing that any confrontation in the restaurant could very well pose a serious problem. True, the packages would be delivered, but her escape route would be messy. A run into a kitchen to get through to a small alley was not the best of circumstances. Neither was facing off some of those bouncers in front of the eatery. She definitely didn't want to wind up toe to toe with the Fox...that would prove to be...difficult, to say the least.

No, the best place would be immediately in front of the restaurant, to the right of the bodyguards. This way she would only be a target to one while the other would have to wait for his buddy to get out of his way or take time-wasting steps in her direction. The first guard could easily be a body shield in this situation.

She marked them then, for her personal report. Hegemon and Lye-Onitron. Lye-Onitron was a great fighter for Maximalian rights while Hegemon was a fierce oppressor of Maximals, constantly raving about the equal rights of Predacons. She didn't much care for pompous senators (be it for or against her faction). Her job was to mark them, tag them, and deliver them. It would be sad taking out a fellow Maximal, but she would do as required…

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