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Date Posted: 19:00:27 08/08/01 Wed
Author: Fanatic
Subject: There is something to be said about a fanatic.

They are persistant.

Most regular folk would not want to continue getting beat down repeatedly. It's something that one does not particularly relish or look forward to. Much like a human child putting her hand on a hot stove...she learns her lesson very quickly.

Fanatics are a different breed. They do not learn the lesson at all. Or if they do, it means something completely different. To a fanatic, pain can mean adoration. To a fanatic, death can be an honor. To a fanatic every moral law or code that most of society holds dear are cast to the wayside for "the Cause" or "the Goal".

Now, as the personal bodyguard of one of the senators left the building and made her way to the park, this fanatic made his way to the side of the Senate.

His claws extended and he bagan to climb the edifice, knowing full and well that the Senators were in the higher rooms and that he would die long before reaching even a dangerous height...but he didn't care.

He was a fanatic and around his spark casing wires were attached to a highly explosive device. He began is ascent and the whole time he dreamed of being a Cybertronian Hero worthy of Prime.

Death rose from the depths of the street...

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