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Date Posted: 20:17:50 08/23/01 Thu
Author: Decado
Subject: Guess who's a sneaky little bugger?

Decado stepped out of the Senate building, his head held high. Little had happened to Denarius today. Little had come through the doors of his office, begging for the attention of his Senator.

But what little had come through had been grand indeed. A new Councilor, this one a human. A subtle alliance with another Senator, Moloch. And a dire situation involving the entire Senate, given heed from the cry of Betacron himself. One of the new Senators newly assigned arriving, and attracting the attention of Denarius.

Decado was indeed happy with today’s work. As he practically bounded merrily down the front steps of the building, his thoughts swirling through his cunning mind, he felt as if nothing could stop the intricate plan that had attracted his attention. Until a sudden explosion sounded far above his head.

The sheer sound of the explosion knocked Decado to the ground. He rolled the last couple steps down into the streets, stopping only a few feet away from the first step. Luckily, he would not be trampled to death, as those surrounding him near the Senate building had been toppled as well.

Decado checked himself out for a moment, mentally making himself aware of all his body still intact. Confident he was uninjured, Decado stood. Only then did his mind grasp one thought, one of the more important thoughts:

Dear Primus…that explosion was the Senate building itself!

Thoughts of death pervaded his mind, fearful of the idea that the Senators were dead upstairs. Thoughts of carefully laid plans coming unraveled. These thoughts quickly raced out of his mind as he realized the explosion had come from outside the building.

This realization was confirmed when a small shower of body parts fell in front of the front door, the remaining pieces of the attempted assassin.

Decado smiled inwardly as he realized, looking up towards the damaged section of the building that had just imploded in on itself, that surely no one had been killed. Someone, perhaps Betacron by the location of the damage, had been injured. Most likely not.

As civilians crowded around to stare wide-eyed at the damaged building, Decado shrugged and made his way slowly through the crowd. He had much to do tonight before retiring to a night of sleep, and had no time to stand around helplessly.

Leaving the crowd behind, he quickly came to his destination. He stepped up to the door, which remained closed in front of him, and looked up at a cleverly disguised camera. He waited. Shortly, his fine-tuned ears detected a click sounding from the large metal doors blocking his entrance. He glanced around, making sure he was unseen (or simply ignored) before opening the doors and stepping in to the Grand Hall of the Cybertronian Council…

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