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Date Posted: 15:52:56 04/13/02 Sat
Author: Santiago
Subject: Darkness was quickly overtaking the light...
In reply to: The Masses 's message, "The soldiers were still beating away wild-eyed Cybertronions" on 09:09:17 04/09/02 Tue

Santiago stared up in horror at the darkening sky. He could scarcely believe what he was witnessing, let alone even begin to comprehend it. He had been on his way somewhere, but any purpose in his being on the streets had been lost in the cries of fear surging through the throng of beings gathered beside him...

Against the darkening sky, he could now make out slight flashes of green in the sky above. He was not alone in his observations, as the mortified crowd around him grew stronger in volume of their cries of fear and horror. People were weeping, without even knowing what was really going on.

Santiago managed to divert his attention from the sky long enough to glance around him. The crowd was drawing closer and closer together, becoming more and more packed. He realized he would soon be crushed if he continued standing where he was. Flesh and bones, resilient as they were, could not withstand being crushed underneath some of the metal Cybertronians that surrounded him. Effortlessly, he stretched his wings out, and took flight. Within moments, he had situated himself on the roof of one of the smaller buldings nearby.

He wanted to remain close to the crowd. He wanted to be near people when the end came.

Santiago understood all too clearly.

Evil would soon overcome Cybertron.

Cybertron would become a desolate Hell.

And there was nothing he could do about it.

Santiago buried his face in his hands...and wept.

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