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Date Posted: 16:54:17 02/13/03 Thu
Author: Shaper
Subject: Everything Beside
In reply to: T3-Zero 's message, ""What th-?"" on 22:08:57 02/12/03 Wed

Maudlin tumbled to the alley floor, pouring sparks of electricity from a leg stump. T3-Zero trained his blaster on the nearby Swarm drone and began backing away. Fulcrumm was using onboard jets to evade another Swarm drone.

Shaper glanced at the two fighters, then down at the damaged Autobot foolishly scrabbling for his blaster.

"You are damaged. Without assistance you will be unable to evade these creatures."

"I've taken wor- *zic* worse. Back in the good ole' da- *fzzt* days..."

Shaper drew his cowl up and began to strech his hand towards the wounded Transformer. Then he paused. At least two Swarm drones were nearby and would surely sense if he drew upon the natural energies of the area. A less obvious solution was called for before Maudlin lost enough fuel to fall into stasis lock.

Violet metalflesh orbs scanned the alley for required components. There was a parts bin for discarded factory waldos, a cracked soldering iron and some sheets of micrasteel littered in the wreckage of a recently collapsed building. He turned his head back to the rambling Autobot, then at the other two fighting nearby.

"And Sho- *kkk* Shockwave, nutty fella that he was, said 'Logically I should terminate you now'. So I said, 'Yeah? Terminate this, suckah!' and..." Shaper leaned over the fallen Autobot and began speaking quickly and quietly in Ancient Cybertronian.

"Domestic Appliance harken to mine commande. I am Overseer-General Lamda Three Seven and mine worde is thy law." Shaper quickly spoke a sequence of Ancient Cybertronian digits in specific harmonies.

"You know old Cyber- *klik* Cybertronian? I've not heard that in-"

"Domestic Appliance - Thou shalt enter passive status." Maudlin fell silent and his optics dimmed into emptiness. The flow of fuel began to stem as the Transformer fell into a state of deep stasis lock.

Shaper rummaged the nearby parts bin for a waldo with a close enough fit and threw it down next to Maudlin. He deftly fired up the soldering iron and began patching exposed circuitry from the exposed leg stump into the waldo. After a few seconds the fast working creature jury rigged a small axel and slotted the makeshift leg into place. He nailed on some sheets of micrasteel to cover up the waldo's working - not enough to provide lasting protection, but enough to stop myomer hydralics being snagged on debris.

"Domestic Appliance - delete the last 10 microcycles of thy memory and awaken."

"So I said, 'Yeah? Terminate this, suckah!' and... what happened to my leg?!?"

"I do not understand."

"It's all different?"

"You must be mistaken, venerable one. You are as I first saw you."

"I guess so. Sheesh, I don't even remember me own repair jobs anymore..."

"I see the walls around me fall around me,
And everything's alright.
I see the god amoung me fall among me,
And everything's beside.
I see the walls around you, tie and bound you,
Drown cos you're so cold.. Cold.. Cold.. "

- 'Silver', Machine Head

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