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Date Posted: 20:13:41 02/16/03 Sun
Author: Betacron & Quickstream
Subject: By Primus!

Betacron and Quickstream burst from the cybertronian senate, and saw the chaos in the streets. Quickstream seemed paralyzed as he saw what was going on, but was quickly jolted out of it as he was dragged down to the streets by Betacron.

The old senator ran with a sure foot, and Quickstream followed quickly behind him. They went almost undetected when suddenly, a Swarm drone swopped down, and split the pair up, knocking Quickstream aside, and leaving Betacron to stand alone. the drone turned quickly, and headed back towards Betacron, who by now, had drawn his sword. Betacron, wanting to get in the first shot, hurrled his Sword at the drone, but it was all for not. The Swarm Drone quickly converted it into energy, and devoured it, and before Betacron could dodge it, he was pinned by it.

It seemed like the old soldiers last hurrah as the drone readied to absorb him to. However, the inevitable death was cut short as a large hook on a chain whistled through the air, and landed in the drones head. Quickstream was alright, and was now attempting to help his old friend. With a quick tug, the hook draged through the head, leaving the drone shut down. It fell to the ground with a thud, and Quickstream ran to help Betacron to his feet.

they continued on their jounry, this time, skillfully avoiding any drones. Finally, the two made it to their destination.

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