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Date Posted: 21:04:46 07/01/01 Sun
Author: Lady Embyr
Subject: "Where are you?"
In reply to: Lady Embyr 's message, "Lady Embyr of the Seventh seat adjusted her optics..." on 21:24:30 06/26/01 Tue

Lady Embyr switched off the holo of her old friends and gazed pensively into the distance. Wearily, she reached to the floor and picked up a rolled up starchart. She stared at it for a good long while, as though the object of her obsession would simply pop out at her, something she had somehow overlooked no matter how many times she had pored over the charts. Except...except the chart DID look as though she had never seen it before! The differences were subtle, but something was amiss, something she couldn't quite place. Concern mounting, she requistioned a fresh printout of the sector in question, only to discover it matched exactly! So if the readouts weren't off...then it was her.

Embyr hurled the charts with all her might, but they fluttered weakly a few feet away. She HATED what she had become, despised the degradation of her systems, the decline of the fierce Decepticon warrior she had once been. How would she ever find Hydrus Four if she couldn't even remember the old starcharts? And now, having returned to Cybertron, it was seeming less and less likely she would see the stars first hand once more. She despised her fellow senators, like that Shelly who couldn't tell Hegemon from Betacron, or the quiet way Lye-Onitron managed to get what he wanted. Yet she needed them as much as they needed her, and she would have to start forging alliances if she was to draw on any of the resources the others had to offer. Embyr began to open a channel to one of the other senators, and sent a message...

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