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Date Posted: 05:24:40 07/05/01 Thu
Author: Senator Decius
Subject: He considered the message.
In reply to: Lady Embyr's CIM(Cybertronian Instant Messenger) 's message, "*Message from the Lady Embyr*" on 21:31:07 07/02/01 Mon

To be blunt, he was surprised to see the message from Embyr. Decius and the old female had had little to do with one another in their time as Senators, but he had heard of her through the years - who hadn't? Female Decepticons were a rarity in and of themselves, but Embyr had, in her day, been quite the rising star in the ranks.

"Computer, open a reply message to Senator Embyr. Encrypt and encode. Message follows: will come to your offices immediately to discuss health committee figures and to try and come up with some proposals to get more funding for the spark transfer research.
As one Decepticon to another, I will come and listen.
What we will also need to discuss is the data from the Cybertronian Institute of Sciences regarding the possibility that technorganic material may be susceptible to ageing.
We must find a way to rise again. I think we can help one another.
I will clear a space in my schedule now and come to your offices within the hour. Please let me know if this would be suitable.
I suspect you and I are on the same wavelength.
Yours, etc. etc., Send immediately and save a copy to my personal database."

Decius sat back in his chair, his mood slightly improved. Perhaps he had made a mistake in the past regarding Embyr - he had to admit, if only to himself, that it was nice to speak to another Decepticon again, to communicate with another being who did not answer every argument with a diplomatic variation of "We won the war and you do what you're told." He only hoped she had the faculties to decrypt the message and look at it a little more closely.

Perhaps the day, and the battle, is not lost yet......

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