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Date Posted: 19:33:43 07/19/01 Thu
Author: Calio
Subject: Sleeping on the Job

Senator Moloch’s files had long ago bored Calio, and even now she sat staring at a screen of Solitaire, one of those games Cybertron had inherited from the Humans centuries before. Although, she wasn’t really even concentrating on the game. She was day-dreaming, as she usually did whenever she became bored. The old Senator wasn’t around right now, anyway. He had left his human assistant to take care of his files, as usual. Calio wasn’t that concerned, anyway. His files never were that important to him...Calio felt herself growing sleepy. Each minute that passed brought her eyes ever slightly closer to closing, ever closer to sleep...

Calio fell out of her chair.

Stunned, and now quite awake, she looked around dizzily, trying to figure out why she had been jarred out of her daydream. She found the answer to be a loud, insistent beeping on Moloch’s ‘special’ message channel. That meant another of his personal friends in the Senate had messaged him. Sighing, she forwarded the message to Moloch’s office as she righted her chair. Sitting down, she moved a Black Jack to a resting place on top of a Red Queen. Then, her eyes began to roll towards the ceiling, and Calio was once again lost in her daydreams.

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