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Date Posted: 07:38:15 06/27/01 Wed
Author: Senator Hegemon
Subject: Senator Hegemon, 2nd Seat of Phi Room,
In reply to: Kit 's message, "Outside Lord Lye-Onitron's room..." on 14:18:47 06/26/01 Tue

lifted the guest chair and threw it at the wall, exploding on impact. Quickly he leapt at his bookshelf while transforming into his komodo dragon form and began to ravage it and his room, fully contributing to his hot acid rage.

He hated the obnoxious maximal Lord Lye-Onitron! He hated the pompous idiot! Hated him! Hated him! Going to lunch with the overbearing slug was a torture that all of his senators endured, but he personally couldn't stand. He opened his jaw and hissed acidly towards the ceiling of his room. The only thing worthwhile about spending a nano-second of time with the snob was to see that fox of an assistant Lye-Onitron always kept by his side. Tall, slender and oh, so delicate. And her voice, what was her name…Kit, ah yes, Kit. That voice, so soothing. So genteel.

His rage subsided as he now lay with the sun streaming in from the windows and falling onto his techno-organic reptilian hide. He felt a shudder run through his body from the excellent warmth of the sun above and he closed his eyes.

He opened his eyes, relaxed, and transformed. His heavily muscled body bespoke of a soldier class fighter. His intelligence was that of a scientist. His anger was that of a thug….he knew how the others saw him. A squat, strong brute with a vicious temper. Stupid and easily manipulated.

He didn't care.

His room was a mess. Crushed data pads were strewn abou. Furniture lay in piles in the corners. Glass was crushed underfoot like fine sand. The bookshelf was a place for slamming into and throwing to the floor. It was dented beyond any shape to contain books. The desk was the only fortress of calm in the storm of his office. On it were neatly stacked data-pads with various messages. One of the data-pads contained a list of to-do's. A comlink, carefully deactivated, sat neatly by the to-do data-pad.

He would hire another assisstant. The last (what was it, twenty? Thirty?) assistants had not worked out as well as he thought.

He went to his desk and pulled out a data-pad which he thought might be discussed over lunch. It was another one of Hegemon's requests to push through an equal rights standard through the Cybertronian Government. Equality without Suspician for Predacons everywhere.

One could always dream.

He took the comlink as well, placing it in his pocket just in case he received any messages. The other senators saw it as a disgrace that he didn't have an assistant or that he answered his own phone. He didn't mind it. Blasted, he didn't walk around like them calling himself "Lord Hegemon" either. He made sure to keep the title "Senator" and that was it. Defined by his job…a servant of the people. He also made sure to pocket a weapon. He was willing to work with the others, and dine with the others, but he was no blasted idiot. An "accident" while dining wouldn't be surprising if an opportunity presented itself to that manipulative Lye-Onitron. Oh the pompous prig thought that no-one knew about his schemes, but Hegemon had guessed at some, he spat.

He got up and left his office. The door locked smoothly and easily. He always made sure that his door was kept clean and clear. Those were the only bastions of sanity in his room: his desk and this door.

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