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Date Posted: 14:28:27 08/31/01 Fri
Author: Kit
Subject: Relief
In reply to: Lord Lye-Onitron 's message, "What the cosmic slag was that?" on 18:23:16 08/22/01 Wed

”Get out of my way!”

Kit struggled against the increased security force now protecting the outside of the Senate building.

”Hold it, lady. Nobody’s allowed in right now.”

”I’m not just some NOBODY, you insolent jerk! I’m Lord Lye-Onitron’s personal assistant!”

”And I’m Blackarachnia’s love slave. Move along, sweet cheeks.”

Kit grabbed the guard’s shoulders and pulled her head back preparing to release a powerful scream. She threw her head forward and opened her mouth wide. The other guards covered their auditory receptors as her sonic howl whipped her antagonist’s head back. His optics began to dim and she released her hold on his shoulders. Letting him fall to the floor, she quickly slipped past the other guards and boarded the elevator.

The elevator doors slid open, and she sprinted for the door to the Senator’s waiting room. She pressed the button beside the door, and it whisked open. Her claw blades slowly extended from the slits in the back of her hands. She sniffed the air. Nothing..

”Lord Lye?!”

She tapped in the keys to open his office door. It opened and she looked in to find the lights off and his seat empty.


She hit the ground hard, her head slamming back against the floor. Her attacker drew back his giant paw to deliver the killing blow.


Too late, the dazed Kit kicked the lion’s chest sending him toppling backwards. She slowly got to her feet, now recognizing that it was Lye-Onitron.

”I’m glad to see you too Senator, but don’t you think that was a bit much?” she smiled.

She sighed and sat down on her desk, tapping her blades against it.

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