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Date Posted: 08:46:44 10/22/01 Mon
Author: Senator Decius
Subject: He looked across at Embyr

Decius was reading infection figures when a small file, transferred through several datastreams, appeared in his database and activated itself. A small self-extracting archive fired a datasquirt into a section of Decius' neural firewall for decryption. When it was done his head snapped up in surprise. With a start, he realized that Embyr had said something. Replaying audio logs quickly in his head, he put the pad down and smiled.

"Sorry, Embyr, I was just thinking about these figures. They make interesting reading.......anyone would think that in this day and age we would have found a cure for scraplets, or corrodia gravis, or electron imbalance, or any one of the million other maladies that seem to hit us hard. For such a hardy race, we seem unusually susceptible to illness."

Decius stood and started to pace the office. "I want to get out there, Embyr. I am a Senator - I serve my people now with words, not weapons. I cannot do that locked inside an office! How long will this meeting with Betacron take, do you think? We.....that is, I have better things to do with my time."

Embyr looked across the office at her fellow Senator. "You are eager to be going?" she asked, still absently tapping the side of her hoverchair. She couldn't help but smile - Decius thought that he could receive encrypted datapackets here in her office without Embyr noticing and saving a copy for herself?

She coughed, activating a small decryption module. In seconds the module was at work, but it was far harder to crack than she first thought. Puzzled, Embyr sat back in the chair and looked at Decius in a new light.

"I am, madam Senator. Things are moving quickly, both here at home and in the Galaxy. These are dangerous times - Cybertron is weak, isolated, with Imperial commitments from the days of old far in excess of our current ability to meet them. Did you know Attlex wants us to send half of the home fleet on a goodwill tour of sector 21505?" Decius sat down again, annoyed that he was getting so twitchy. "We face global epidemics, a collapsing economy, the bottom falling out of the exports market, energon convertibility at an all-time low, and he wants to send twelve ships with full crews halfway across the galaxy to say hello!"

Embyr smiled. What are you up to? "21505 houses a rare phenomenon among the old Cybertronian colonies - a world that is of actual value to us. The natives of Spyrolex have been good allies to us in the past. With the recent unrest in adjoining sectors, they would like to see an example of their old friendship."

Decius nodded. "Perhaps, perhaps. Shall we see if the all clear has been given?" he pointed at the com panel.

Embyr was about to reply when the message was suddenly unencrypted. Four words flashed across her neural net before she could reply to Decius.


Embyr noticed Decius looking at her strangely, and tried to come up with some sort of response before he guessed that something was amiss.................

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