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Date Posted: 00:04:27 05/05/10 Wed
Author: Floyd (Getnutri)
Subject: alfalfa powder

alfalfa powder

- Centuries ago, the Arabs used nutrient-rich alfalfa as feed for their horses, because they claimed that it made the animals swift and strong. They eventually became so convinced of its benefits to their own health that they named the grass Al-Fal-Fa, which means Father of Foods.

alfalfa tea

- One of nature's oldest legumes, Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is known to be cultivated for over 2000 years. However, unlike most legumes, where only the seed is consumed, the entire Alfalfa plant (leaves, sprouts and seeds) is eaten by man. Alfalfa Leaf Tea, Buy Alfalfa Leaf Tea by Alvita Teas on Huge Saving 19%

Alive nature way

- Alive (Iron Free), Buy Alive (Iron Free) by Nature's Way on Huge Saving 43% (Alive! nutrients are better absorbed into your blood stream because its tablets disintegrate up to 5X fas

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