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Date Posted: 15:38:58 12/20/04 Mon
Author: Jack Farrell
Subject: Re: Live from snlyou.jt.org its Saturday Night You Ch.5
In reply to: Jack Farrell 's message, "Live from snlyou.jt.org its Saturday Night You Ch.5" on 15:37:29 12/20/04 Mon

Live from Snlyou.jt.org its Saturday Night You Ch.5
By Jack Farrell

Top of the Game

It had been a very good year for the crew at SNY, while their were distractions in the writer’s room such as Jessica Whitt and Brian Rust hot naked affair with one another, the show ratings were going through the roof and on the surface things seemed to be going wonderfully for the folks at SNY. However behind the scenes their were still major problems going on and executive producer Patrick Lonergan was having suicidal thoughts.

Patrick Lonergan, Show Runner

After the first season had wrapped I was exhausted but I was also very excited. We were getting huge ratings in the net, that while they didn’t go past the ratings the porno sites got, it was still pretty excellent. We were a hit and all of the writers thought it was because of them. That was part of the problem

John Edward Kilduff, Writer

When all the writers found out that we were near the tops of the ratings they just couldn’t stop patting themselves on the back. Their wasn’t a single team player on the group, things were looking great on the air but behind the scenes the writers were getting greedy and always pissing about who’s sketch would get on.

J.P. Ragan, Writer

I remember one time when we were writing up for the Reese Witherspoon show, which was right after 9/11, one of the writers I think it was Brian Ziak pitched an idea for 9/12- the sequel to 9/11 as an action film parody. Despite the fact that we were all a bunch of porno watching, dark humor loving folks, even we had lines we didn’t cross. He even tried to bribe Lonergan to get his sketch on the air but Pat wasn’t having any of that. Despite all the problems we were having Patrick kept us together. I always loved him for that- as a friend.

Justin Kaplowitz, Writer

Things were really rough back in the writer’s room. I remember one time when we were prepping for the Derek Jeter show, not our best hour, Vincent Gargiulo and Paul Buxton got in an honest to go fistfight over who’s sketch would follow the monologue, also known as the prime spot. It got really nuts when Vincent pulled out nunchucks and started wailing on Paul like he was his worst enemy. We had to put Vincent into therapy for a while after that and he didn’t get any stuff in for that week. Vincent was funny but after that incident the rest of the writers and I had to start packing when we came to work.

Tony Dumont, Writer

Some of the writers on the staff started getting really big heads about stuff. One of those guys was Mario Lanza, he was a really talented writer and he was getting the most recognition on the staff, besides Lonergan, and the way he handled himself was just arrogant and assholeic. After the first few shows of the second season he decided to skip the Wednesday read-through and just mail his sketches in. He also started to write sketches for MadTv it burned our eyes just to see him for a while.

Patrick Lonergan, Writer

I dealt with his crap simply because he was a very good writer and since nobody on the staff was getting actual money for the show I couldn’t afford to lose a good writer. Luckily he cooled down about it.

Mario Lanza, Writer

I remember one weekend I was in California I saw Steve Guttenberg on the side of the road holding a sign saying “Will pleasure you for food”. That’s when I started to think “Damn I better start being nice to the rest of the writers, Guttenberg was on top for a while and look what happened to him.” For that second season I was worse than Hitler, the devil, and Andrew Dice Clay combined.

Will Roy, Writer

One of the few things that kept us writers together through that second season was the hot lesbian affair between Emily Cadic and Jessica Whitt. I remember one time at an after party we saw them at the bar just making out and it really made us feel like their was a reason to do the show. You have to remember at this time 85 percent of the writing group were single, desperate, horny men and just seeing a woman in a low cut outfit would be considered a hot date.

Emily Cadic, Writer

Oh I remember Jessica very fondly. She happened to be going out with Brian Rust’s sister at the time but apparently that wasn’t enough for her. It was so good, our bodies dripping with passionate sweat and our loins filled with lust that the gods themselves couldn’t have matched, then we would roll around in the mud, feeling so dirty yet at peace. It was such a good time until she found out I was a hermaphrodite.

The writers had their ego problems and strange multisexual affairs but Creator Patrick Lonergan had an ace up his sleeve, with the money he had made from his wife’s tragic death from a disease that combined Leukemia and Aids called “Leukemaids” he was going to try and do the biggest thing in SNY history

Patrick Lonergan, Writer
I remember after my wife died from Leukemaids that I wanted to use the money from the court settlement for a noble cause. We had already shown the world that we could sometimes write sketches as good as the ones at SNL but we never had a chance to perform them. That’s when I got the idea that we should do an honest to goodness live show, just like SNL, but I also knew we had to get a unique host that even SNL couldn’t get. That’s when I remembered that Steve Worek had just bought a brand new Delorean.

Steve Worek, Writer

I had told Patrick that I had just bought a Delorean and a few days later he came up to me saying we had to use it to get a host. I was shocked when he asked me this since I told him the Delorean was only good for driving place to place and time travel. He said we were going back in time to get Abraham Lincoln to host SNY. I thought he was out of his frickin mind but I was new at the time so I figured what the hell.

Abraham Lincoln, Former host and President who freed the slaves

Well when I was asked to host a comedy talk show I was absolutely flabbergasted. I was the President of the United States for god sakes not an actor. Also this man, young Steven took me to the year 2001 and I was just in awe of what had been done. How many kinds of coffee did these people need?

Patrick Lonergan, Writer

Having Abraham Lincoln host was one of the worst things I ever did at SNY. I remember when we showed him a working toilet he just stared at it for 7 hours in complete and utter disbelief. He also pitched us this incredibly boring idea about teaching people of democracy. He never took off that damn hat either. We went ahead and actually filmed the dress rehearsal but we knew we couldn’t actually go live. Every time he saw some piece of modern technology he flipped out, I know the motto is “the show must go on” but in this case it was off.

Jean-Phillipe Arcand, Writer

I remember when Steve and I took Abraham back to his own time that their could be serious repercussions if he ever let anyone know what was going to happen in the future. So we dropped Abe off at the theater and paid this guy, John Wilkes Booth, to take care of the problem and well you know the rest of the story.

It was a rough time behind the scenes at SNY but the ratings were through the roof and the critics loved it. SNY was in its golden period and their were no signs of it stopping soon, that is until tragedy struck.

On the next edition of live from snlyou.jt.org its Saturday Night You, find out about the harsh initiations that new writers had to go through as well as the spontaneous combustion that befell one of the writers on the staff. Also yet another hot naked affair, all this and more next time!


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