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Date Posted: 20:19:42 04/04/07 Wed
Author: Jim Bevan
Subject: It's Bevan with the review at the 30, the 20, the 10, touchdown!
In reply to: Patrick 's message, "REVIEWS: Peyton Manning 03/24/07" on 07:29:28 04/01/07 Sun

Sorry the review's so late, but hey, better late than never. I'm just hoping that for the last shows of the season, there'll be writers besides Prateek and myself contributing feedback. But until then, I don't mind.

A Message from a Former SNL Athlete Host: I'm sorry to say that this didn't really appeal to me that much. The jokes fell a little flat, and some of them seemed too dated in the 90s. I know that's when Jordan was big, but I think maybe a more recent athlete host, like Lance Armstrong, could have been used.

Monologue: This had a few good one-liners, but I didn't really find a lot of Peyton's violent acts that funny. Plus, some of the descriptive dialogue was a little hard to follow at points. Sorry.

Life-Alarm 2000: Good stuff. It had a great premise, some nice lines from the frustrated emergency operator, and I really liked how it didn't go for the cliched ending where she's actually in trouble at the end but now they don't believe her. Also, thank God you stopped the sketch before we got into any detail about what happened between Mrs. Van Horn, Jimmy and the cameraman.

Peyton's Master Card Ad: This was nice. I'm not an M.Night fan myself, but the sketch did a good job of skewing his odd filmmaking styles. Peyton's frustration bred some clever banter, and the twist ending where "The Master Card" is revealed to be a movie was a creative touch.

The Interrogation: A wonderfully absurd sketch, Prateek. Mixing up a party entertainer for a brutal interrogator was an innovative switcheroo idea. Sudsey's weird actions were hilarious, and description of what was happening at the birthday party was a great addition.

Recalling Archie Manning's Lost Episode of SNL: Sorry, but I didn't really find this sketch that funny. The dialogue and premise just didn't come off as humorous to me. Again, sorry.

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