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Date Posted: 21:22:09 05/06/07 Sun
Author: Gary Gordus (Caveman Reed)
Subject: Sketch
In reply to: Jim Bevan 's message, "Not to be a bother Patrick, but the links to my sketches aren't working." on 09:34:16 04/29/07 Sun

Sketch page dosen't work so here's my sketch and it's a riot!!
April 28, 2007

Caveman Reed

Scene 1:
Caveman Reed is looking for the perfect flat like rock to use for his bar top, using another small rock as a shaper.

Scene 2:
Caveman Reed is seen setting up his new bar by putting flat rock that he has shaped and formed to fit just right across an couple of rocks that aready exist outside of his cave. One big rock w/a tree growing no the side of it and another that is just the right height to support the flat rock from underneath.
(Punch Line) Thus cameforth the first known BAR & BARTENDER !

Scene 3:
Caveman Reed is seen putting 3 flatlike top rocks in front of his new bar.
(Punch Line) Thus comeforth the first BAR STOOLS !

Scene 4:
Caveman Reed’s bar is already full with all 3 rock stools taken and talking in caveman languge, (which can’t be understood). They’re drinking out of rock,couconut,bambo like drinking units and clange them together.
(Punch Line) Thus cameforth first TOAST !

Scene 5:
Another caveman shows up, arms out like where do I sit ? Caveman Reed imedately response by running and finding another barstool like rock for him to sit on, and places it at the end of the bar. He sits down and throws a skin on the bar and in caveman words orders a drink. Caveman Reed looks at the fine skin (worth more than 1 drink) and ask in caveman words would you like to run a tab?
(Punch Line) Thus comeforth the first BAR TAB !

Scene 6:
More cavemen start showing up. Caveman Reed thinking in caveman words saids ( I’m going to need a bigger bar). He gets another flat like rock a places it in the corner to rest on the big rock and the side of the mountain that is home to his cave. Everyone is having a great time drinking and talking in caveman words when a leaf blows into Caveman Reed’s area. Caveman Reed picks up the leaf and pulls some dried weeds from the side of the muontain behind his bar. He puts the dried weeds inside the dried leaf rolls it and uses a tourch to lite it up. As he hoffs the fumse and crosses his eyes. Meanwhile everyone else wants a hit too !
(Punch Line) Thus cameforth the first CIGAR !

April 28, 2007

Scene 7:
Caveman Reed holding arms out and yawns and in caveman words ask everyone left at the bar, if they would like another last drink?
(Punch Line) Thus cameforth the first LASTCALL !

Caveman Reed holds his hands up faceing into the night as if he can calculate time by the stars and decides every must leave, it’s time for him to turn in.
(Punch Line) Thus cameforth the first BARTIME !

Scene 9:
Everyones leaves and Caveman Reed picks up the rock by the end of the bar and places it in front of the opening where you would get behind the bar and walks around the corner into his cave.
(Punch Line) Thus comeforth the first BARCLOSE !

Scene 10:
Caveman Reed is shown coming out of his cave, moves rock (that is also the end barstool) to end of bar and start to pleace things up. A few of the regular caveman come back but most of them pass by waveing their arms at them and in caveman words mutter to themselves, (what a bunch of lazy assses). In the meantime Caveman Reed’s gilrfriend comes out of the cave and comes behind the bar to ask Caveman Reed (in cavewoman languge) where he had hinden her bananas? In the meantime the other cavemen that had been passing by see her and rush to the bar as fast as they can. Caveman Reed being overwhelmed by the crowd has to have his girlfriend help out.
(Punch Line) Thus cameforth the first FEMALE BARTENDER !

Created and Writen by:
Gary T. Gordus
1610 S. Main St.
Oshkosh, Wi. 54902
April 28, 2007

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