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Date Posted: 23:16:16 05/09/07 Wed
Author: Prateek S.
Subject: In a world where Nannies are lost in translation... one man will stand up and review
In reply to: Patrick 's message, "REVIEWS: Scarlett Johansson 04/21/07" on 19:23:28 04/28/07 Sat

CO: This must have been fun to write! Basically taking the voting off concept to a new level with Baldwin! Imagining Baldwin in a straightjacket was worth a good laugh. Very interesting conceptual piece though a bit wordy still a decent sketch. I actually wished Baldwin didn’t host in November and would have hosted the Seasonfinale that way he could have closed out the season in style. Steve Martin’s good and all but Alec Baldwin can come back as much as he wants in my opinion, no one has more fun than this man!

Monologue: Not bad Jim. The contamination aspect was interesting, but I think it
could have been executed a bit better. You probably could have cut to the castmembers starting to take off their clothes and get some lines out of it. Because I think the dialogue alone fell flat and I didn’t get the Velveteen Rabbit reference. But still a decent monologue that ended on a high note with the Bjork gag.

Idol Ads: The first one was worth a laugh but the second one fell flat. I would
have played around with these a bit more because they had some potential.

Hermit of Burima: Eh this was a so-so sketch. I thought the sex jokes were getting redundant after awhile and the Hermit didn’t have enough lines. It got a little to forced after awhile. But I enjoyed the argument between the host and the cameraman though.

Celebrity Pinatas: Having Fred Armisen as the psycho salesman is a tired gag but you managed to keep the funny coming. I actually enjoyed this piece a lot. You managed to throw in some celebrity jokes without keeping it stale or unfunny. The whole bit with the piñatas tied in great and good use of Alec Baldwin at the end! Great to see the gag recurring!

Topical Issues: Excellent sketch Jim! Once it got going IT GOT GOING! Each
panelist had a wackier characteristic. I found these characters well drawn out; that said,
I think Fred could have played Alan Liebowitz and Andy could have played Lawrence that’s just a suggestion though. But anyways the sketch had great pacing and the ending joke with the show being cancelled fit right in. Having a stripper in the cake was a nice touch!

Digital Short: Again, I’m glad everyone liked it. I have a bunch of Digital Short
concepts in mind. I’ll try to get one more done by May.

Vincent Price: I thought this was a so-so sketch. Vincent Price’s overall disgust was hilarious as always and some of the forshadowing was good. But as the others have said too many celebrities and pop culture references can go over your head and detract the sketch. Still a good effort.

Andy Rooney and Bill Maher: A good idea that needed better execution. I think you
focused too much on celebrity humor and Bush jokes. I can take a good celebrity
joke if done properly and different but stale punchlines just bring down a sketch.
That said, I think this would have worked better if you picked better news stories
or if you turned into a point counter point segment on Weekend Update.

Auto Dealership: Eh this fell flat with me Jim. It was one of those sketches that build up to a single gag and the hypnotist angle didn’t really appeal to me.

Person from Porlock: Not bad, Al. Definitely had a lot of Monty Python hidden underneath and like Jim said, I want to know who would play who within the sketch. That said, I thought this was an excellent idea; revolting but only after filling out the proper paperwork. The questions became wackier and wackier. Oh and the jabs towards the king were well played. And I thought I would never laugh at another penis joke but the whole questionnaire format really helped add some punch to the gag well done!

David Letterman: I’m sorry but I could not get into this sketch. Too many angry wearing lines really brought down the piece. The gay jokes didn’t really go anywhere either. Overall, I don’t think even think you can make fun of Letterman or Leno anymore. They’ve both been impersonated to death and the skits tend to run dry of humor. But anyways that’s all just my opinion.

Evan, the Alec Baldwin gag may not have been the funniest gag but I want to commend you on having a creative reoccurring bit throughout the show. Having him pop up from
time to time reminded me of the old SNL days and had a Mr. Show type feel to it. Definitely added some new twists to the episode.

Overall good work everyone and thanks for reviewing. Keep it up!

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