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Date Posted: 00:01:15 06/05/07 Tue
Author: Evan D.
Subject: Re: I'm guessing the mock season will start the following week
In reply to: Patrick 's message, "Re: I'm guessing the mock season will start the following week" on 19:25:50 06/04/07 Mon

Sounds cool. Man, before you know it we'll have formed a comedy troupe ala Kids in the Hall. Hell, this site writes sketches more like them than SNL (well not with Jennings). Here are some ideas I'm working on:

-Crazy actor Dallas Reardon’s agent Barry Scanlan has to put up with his client’s eccentric and bizarre ways while trying to land a movie deal with a famous director over the phone.

-Family who only eats toast

-Austrians unveil rather unpopular spin on a traditional celebration with Septemberfest.

-Pie eating contestants gear up for their competition.

-Bankers union results in a strike but no one quite sympathizes.

-Self-confident but egotistical Stefan the Wonderful Parking Valet faces his first true rival and must overcome this challenge.

-Hollywood offering sequels of movies by combining stars’ movies into one (e.g. Kevin Bacon stars in Footloose Sleepers 2: The Untold Story).

-Someone who actually does hear things through the grapevine.

-Guy at his friend’s house tries using the toilet but thinks sign warning of pirhanas is a joke. He finds out it is not and his friend arrives to help him fend off the attacking fish.

-The amazing avant-garde jazz sensation: Byron McCool the Asthmatic Saxophonist.

-Damien the Pizzaboy calls a man (Frank Nixon) who apparently got the wrong order and wants an apology amongst other things.

-School assembly to discuss school events ends up with a series of humiliatings ordeal for Principal Foster.

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