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Date Posted: 16:13:07 06/26/07 Tue
Author: Jim Bevan
Subject: First review of the summer (and probably only review for this episode)
In reply to: Patrick 's message, "REVIEWS: Will Arnett 06/16/07" on 19:08:40 06/24/07 Sun

Let's get this baby started.

Ghostly Chores: Hilarious sketch, Evan. Ivan and his mother were humorous enough, but the demands the ghosts made brought it to a wonderfully absurd level. I especially liked the "I don't have any liquor" and "pussy of a ghost" lines, and the one ghost's request to get her cousin to go on a diet. The ending had a neat supernatural touch. Well done.

Silly Subway: Minor nitpick - couldn't tell who played what role. Other than that, it was a great sketch. Classic Al Mitrovic (yeah, so he's only written four bits before this, so what?) The dialogue was clever and weird, I thought the bum/sandwich and Vietnam discussion were the best of it. Plus, nice job of breaking the fourth wall near the end, and exposing the robbers as frauds.

Toast on Toast: There were some funny lines, but for some reason the premise didn't really appeal to me that much. Sorry.

Disco Court: Again, don't want to nitpick, but there were no cast assignments. This seemed to be a little short, and some lines fell flat, but the premise was good and having a kidney as a point of dissent in a divorce was a nice touch. The ending could have been a little funnier in my opinion, though, maybe dealing with some odd decision from the judge regarding the kidney. All in all, an okay sketch. Welcome to SNY, William.

He Heard it Through the Grapevine: I loved the plot and the dialogue, and the twist ending was a killer. Who knew grapes could be such a rich source of comedy? I thought they were just a rich source of antioxidants.

Car 4 Sale: Sorry, but I didn't find this that funny. The dialogue was kind of flat, and I thought there could have been stranger questions to ask about the car instead of dealing with sex and dead bodies. Again, sorry.

Angels at Work: Again, an interesting premise, but the dialogue just didn't seem that funny to me.

Byron McCool: Great piece. I wish this could have been acted out just to see and hear Byron's attempts to play.

Paris and Linsday Make Amends: This didn't really do it for me: celebrity parodies just aren't my thing. Sorry.

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