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His crew Aerodrone Pete and Cyclodrone Carl are also no more. Primary Lennon Hologram codename: John offline and unaccounted for. Secondary Hologram codename: Y.O.K.O. transmitting on general frequencies to any vessels within range.
The Lennon is trapped on an asteroid, coordinates unknown. Attempts to breach a protective force field comprised seemingly of portals results in redirection back within the field. Uncertain what the situation is within the only structure on this asteroid, but it seems to be populated by robot.....monkies. The Ork pilot Bloodmoon is still alive. One of the passengers, an Andalite, also lives. The crew is gone.
Send help if you are able. Be warned that the nature of this "portalfield" may make rescue somewhat of a risk. Despite the lives of the survivors and the imperative to return this vessel, this program understands that such a risk may not make rescue a logical action. If such a decision is reached, please ensure that the family and friends of those lost are told of what happened, to give them some kind of closure.
Thank you. Y.O.K.O. out."