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Date Posted: 20:20:32 10/12/02 Sat
Author: Brooklyn Boy
Author Host/IP: ool-18baaa21.dyn.optonline.net /
Subject: My Upcoming Liver Biopsy

Hi Everyone
I`ve been up here in Long Island,N.Y. for the past 2 wks.As some of you know,I was dxed w/hep c a few years ago.When I go back to Georgia on Tuesday I have to get in gear to have this biopsy done,which was ordered by my infectious disease Dr.I have no doubt as to how I`ve contracted this virus but this is apparently one bullet I did not dodge.Thanks to the very friendly people on this site that have helped me educate myself some as to being HCV pos.
I had to take my fiance to a local hospital last night as she was in a pretty bad flareup of lupus.She also suffers from FMS,Gastroporesis & a host of other conditions that have rendered her disabled.We are both on methadone.She & I both are treated by the same Dr. for chronic pain.Speaking for myself,recovering addicts can also be chronic pain sufferers.But I was astounded to see the treatment she received from the attending E.R. Dr. once he saw that she took methadone,& has been since 1997,for chronic pain.I understand the stigma that goes along w/anyone that takes methadone,for whatever reason.It truly is a shame that still alot of the medical community frowns or just plain assumes why anyone would take methadone.It has truly saved my life & I really don`t care what people choose to think of me because of a medicine I take.People do not aspire to be cardiac patients when they grow up & I didn`t wish to become an addict either.But I must say that I do fear this imminent treatment I could possibly have to go through due to my HCV status.Very quickly,I`m geno type 2b, & have a viral load of 1.7 million.I can only guess as to how long I`ve been positive.Probably @ least 10 yrs.I fear this stigma of being on methadone & how it would relate to any treatment I receive from this new Dr. that is treating me for the hep c.I`d recently heard from someone that had a biopsy done & their exact description of the experience was that it s***ed.I`ve been trying to learn as much as I can about this since I found out about it.My questions to any of you out there is how painful is this biopsy & other than bleeding are there any other things I should know about what to expect.It`s my understanding that I would have to stay in the hospital for about 6 hrs.Is there any reason I could not be slightly sedated for this procedure.I was taught as a young child to always expect the worse & anything less than that would be a blessing.This whole thing has made me a total basket case.I`m so glad I found this site & the encouragement some of the members have given me.
I`d appreciate any feedback on some of my concerns.I guess part of me just wants to vent some fear.Thank you all for being here.

Brooklyn Boy

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