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Fancy Pants' Closet
Fancy Pants, Incorporated
This is where the fan(s) live(s). Jive, rap, and spin yarns with fellow Pants-ers and discuss who's cuter, Jimmy Fallon or Ryan Heffley.
Main Page

Subject Author Date
Sis 962lua Vga Drivers Download.isoshanchape17:15:23 01/25/14 Sat
BloggerDVSinsyder14:43:58 07/08/03 Tue
Good movies?Dan R.12:48:52 04/07/03 Mon
Speaking of the Top 5...LilSP22220:10:22 12/11/02 Wed
Woodstown AmbulanceCaptain14:57:06 12/02/02 Mon
I love being a jerkDan19:23:56 11/16/02 Sat
what the hell were they thinking??LilSP22222:01:17 11/12/02 Tue
Damn Guys....LilSP22221:34:04 11/12/02 Tue
Bronx BomberLilSP22214:25:10 10/24/02 Thu
Music Video for next weekBronx Bomber14:40:33 10/23/02 Wed
End of the world!Dan19:01:06 10/18/02 Fri
Request for next videoDan17:56:18 10/10/02 Thu
RegBarc is a hottie! :o<----:sex goddess00:16:44 09/16/02 Mon
No Doubt videoDan06:55:35 08/30/02 Fri
Very disturbingDan23:16:52 08/05/02 Mon
Heinous acts?Concerned Citizen10:15:27 08/04/02 Sun
you are losersanna22:44:57 07/14/02 Sun
PenguinsDan09:27:40 07/02/02 Tue
Tuesday, June 18, 2002.Neb-Man20:29:57 06/17/02 Mon
Enough is enoughDan19:27:25 05/28/02 Tue
New Poll Request!Blaine12:54:15 05/26/02 Sun
German Listening Exam Tomorrow AfternoonBlaine13:00:21 05/21/02 Tue
See Star Wars now!!Dan20:40:08 05/19/02 Sun
Anyone wanna join the Krazy King Mike fan club?Founder of the KKM fan club05:59:17 05/14/02 Tue
James Dah-lingFergette16:04:28 05/08/02 Wed
Hunting for Heff (and anyone else)Dan11:42:06 05/06/02 Mon
Fun stuff instead: Birthdays!Dan20:33:24 05/01/02 Wed
Self titled..... "fan mail!!! :-)"DVSinsyder19:59:41 04/29/02 Mon
tinatimmy!!!!(the handicap boy)07:00:11 04/26/02 Fri
Lack of outputHeff23:10:15 04/24/02 Wed
Fan Mail...DVSinsyder18:51:17 04/24/02 Wed
my messages and my rebutalbigdogtsc19:11:46 04/19/02 Fri
giant head and danbigdogtsc06:31:37 04/18/02 Thu
New lists?Dan16:18:39 04/13/02 Sat
message board?DVSinsyder19:15:29 04/09/02 Tue
The September 11, 2001 Memorial LinkTee22:14:35 03/19/02 Tue
rappin rabbersbigdogtsc19:58:26 03/08/02 Fri
Quite A Fancy StickerDVSinsyder23:04:46 02/23/02 Sat
herobigdogtsc20:37:44 02/14/02 Thu
Neon noncense( I don't spell well)Davej08:08:38 01/27/02 Sun
newbeDVSinsyder20:11:52 01/22/02 Tue
Aluminum Chairs!Ferg18:22:19 12/31/01 Mon
Echo echo echo....Heff^315:50:03 12/31/01 Mon
Are you really looking to move again? (NT)Ferg09:15:33 11/12/01 Mon
Guard DonkeyHeff23:40:11 11/07/01 Wed
Take off, ehYa Hooser, eh23:34:04 11/04/01 Sun
FergnadsHeff15:22:23 10/23/01 Tue
sheesh...that Lynch guyXen18:19:25 10/21/01 Sun
Um...FergXen23:07:49 10/15/01 Mon
W.A.N.G.Ferg10:53:10 10/02/01 Tue
Sumpin' Fun For Everyone...Xen00:56:14 09/26/01 Wed
Revenge of the Bad LinkThe Giant Head11:46:38 09/13/01 Thu
Bad LinkThe Giant Head11:27:51 09/13/01 Thu
stuff...Xen18:15:56 09/03/01 Mon
Bummin'Dan11:36:20 08/23/01 Thu
hmmmmm.....Xen16:57:21 08/20/01 Mon
O.k. enough is enoughHeff21:49:16 08/11/01 Sat
CD ReviewHeff11:12:51 08/08/01 Wed
Promises Promises.....Staff23:27:29 08/07/01 Tue
That's it, I'm sexier dammnit`Jimmy's Fallac----er Fallon12:44:11 08/02/01 Thu
Hello.....?The Giant Head09:55:20 07/27/01 Fri
News.....Staff08:55:20 07/17/01 Tue
So many questions...A Fan18:09:46 06/28/01 Thu
DamnThe Giant Head11:36:27 07/11/01 Wed
Amusing Dennis Miller QuotesThe Giant Head00:09:07 06/30/01 Sat
ramblings from my corner version (2.0)Heff13:00:16 07/03/01 Tue
The end of Jay and Silent Bob?Xen22:17:12 06/19/01 Tue
HELL'S YEAH!! I'm leaving a messageDan "The Man" Rabbers17:53:59 06/17/01 Sun
Does This Depress Anyone Else?Ferg20:42:17 06/14/01 Thu
I don't need no stinkin' pants!A concerned fan...00:40:14 06/12/01 Tue
Libra?The Giant Head16:12:02 06/10/01 Sun

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