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Subject: Hunting for Heff (and anyone else)

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Date Posted: 12:42:06 05/06/02 Mon

Well you know Heff, I went hunting for the first time ever this year. It's kind of a rare thing for a central Pennsylvanian to never go hunting...kinda like someone from Arkansas not having a Confederate flag hanging on their shack of a house or displayed as a license plate in the front of their beat-up pick-up truck.

But anyways, it's a load of fun! Waking up at 5am kinda sucks, but then it's just great to go out in the woods and just sit there. The gun shots kind of bring you back from relaxing, but still, it's fun. And then to see Deer running by, sometimes being up in trees and looking down on two yearlings who just lost their mom this year and seeing the fear in their eyes, it's quite amazing.

Oh and don't worry about the deer scent, I didn't have a single bit of it and had no problem seeing and shooting deer...except for the fact that I was a bad shot with rifle sights aiming at a moving target. I'm going Bowhunting this year as well, so then I'll probably have masking scent or deer scent, but with the rifle, you don't need a thing.

Climbing trees is a lot of fun too, because one, you get to climb trees as almost all kids love doing and two, the things you see from up in the tree that you don't see on the ground is amazing. The deer trails criss-crossing all over the place, the view you can see from only 10ft higher, and watching the deer heading right towards you as it comes off the hillside through all the brush.

Yes, it is a whole lot of fun, and I do like venison so I get to kill something and get meat, but just to know that you helped out the environment by killing one more deer may be good enough reason for you. One less deer that will cause vehicle damage, one less hunter that deer will piss off when they miss and then go shoot a person to make up for it, just one less deer to be a pain in the arse to all wildlife professionals. They can be fun to watch and fun to shoot, but damn they're annoying and expensive.

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Re: Hunting for Heff (and anyone else)Heff16:23:05 05/13/02 Mon

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