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Subject: ramblings from my corner version (2.0)

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Date Posted: 14:00:16 07/03/01 Tue

gah... forgot to officially submit my post yesterday, had a nice one written, all sorts of witty comments and sexaye talk....but then I closed my broswer before hitting the button on the preview page....

First...some important dates

AUGUST 25---Jay and Silent Bob, which we all know...
SEPTEMBER 25 THE TENACIOUS D Album hits stores (near you, probally not near me, I'll have to order it online....)

but what does that leave for july 25? I don't know

Maybe Jurassic Park III won't suck...that's what I'll hope for.

Anyone unfortunate enough to set through Tomb Raider? ack!

Evolution wasn't too bad, but Jullianne Moore (less please) really really bothers me now.... and where the hell did Duchovney's Moon come from?

Fast and the Furious? I liked it, a lot. I drove fast after seeing it. I considered getting a Honda.... then I realized my truck could run through one of those cars like a ka-nife through butta and kept driving fast with the air conditioner on....then I stop at the gas station...many times.....I'm picturing the Neon with some NO2 tearing down the highway towards The D in Philly.......

Spent Sat. apartment hunting, may have one too. Wound up driving 40 miles around town Sat Afternoon, now that sucked....

I had mentioned how good Raw had been lately yesterday, then I watched it last night....

saw where the HWA is closed.... that's.....well....

and where is Alex's July Mix? it's already the 3rd!!!!

working 5 weeks now, still haven't watched Office Space yet.....posted my first Dilbert Cartoon on my cube wall yesterday.....work is pretty good, reports have been automatically generated for managers and paychecks have been deposited....

oh well it's 1 now, back to work

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