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Subject: End of the world!

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Date Posted: 20:01:06 10/18/02 Fri

the I have some strange/great/weird/scary/whatever news for all of you. After you read it then you can decide which word to use. But I went out last night, as I usually do on Thursdays, but no, not to drink. Some friends and I went to Champs (local sports cafe) for their cheap wings and good times, which was mostly looking at the hot waitresses and they are indeed quite hot. Then we went to the local bar, Crobar, for their foam night and Green Eggs and Spam. The band was decent, though they barely played and the foam I didn't really experience. What was fun about Crobar was again the hot waitresses. One was wearing a bikini top selling test tube shots. Another was wearing...something like a bikini top, but not. Perhaps a halter top? The word comes to mind but I can't picture it, but here's why: she was very bubbly...and bouncy, in her step and in her shirt (I like that a lot). But my whole point to this story is that (no lie) I had a beautiful girl on my arm the entire night, and she kissed me...twice!!

Welcome to the end of the world my friends, welcome to the end of the world!

(Note: kiss was only on the cheek both times and said girl is engaged to someone else though she doesn't have a ring, but I'm going to be her concubine where she pays for everything for me, so it doesn't matter)

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