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Subject: Damn Guys....

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Date Posted: 21:34:04 11/12/02 Tue

ok, yet again, another one of the Ferguson family has had yet another dissagrement with a member of the opposite sex. Ok, me and this guy from my new school and I have been pretty damn close so far in the year. Even though we just met, we still talk, hang out at lunch, and occasionally flirt in what classes we may have together. But now, that friend and I have gotten into a fight about probebly the stupidest thing EVER... another girl. Yes ladies and gentlemen of the not-so-sober jury, Heather L. Ferguson, is jealous. God, you have no idea how hard that was for me to write that... anyway. I showed him a picture of one of my friends from woodstown (my previous town of residence) and he fell in love... ok, first of all can u spell SLUT?.. because I cant, that was just a guess. and second of all, it's just a picture, I mean really, how do you like someone just from their looks, yes there is an attraction, but he went crazy asking me for her screen name and her phone number and then went bazerk after I didnt tell him anything. But after fighting and fighting, I really acctually kinda miss him, even though it's only been a few hours after school. Tell me what to do. For I do not know. Do I just give him the info. or do I just leave him out to dry like the rest of you damn guys?

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Re: Damn Guys....Bailz06:16:24 11/13/02 Wed

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