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Subject: I love being a jerk

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Date Posted: 19:23:56 11/16/02 Sat

I was an asshole to a guy I know last night. He went to High School with me, two years ahead of me. But I went to a bar with a female friend of mine. We were going to meet another female friend of hers and that one's boyfriend. Instead the female friend brought another female friend, so I was quite happy sitting there at a table with me and three lovely young ladies.

      Well, I saw my friend on the way in, he looked at me funny, like I was dating the girl I came in with (which I'm not), but I talked to him, he asked me where my drink was and I said I don't drink. After he was done making fun of me and trying to convince me I should be drinking, I left him at his sausage party table and joined my friend. I know, you probably don't care, but it was funny watching him continuously looking over at me, while he was the track star in school, and I wasn't until my senior year, and there I was with all those lovely young women.

      We went there to see a band mostly, and so my friend could see her friend, so when the band was over (a very good jazz band I might add), my friend and I were heading out. My friend from high school grabbed me and wanted me to introduce him to the other two ladies. I said, "no", he said "come on", I said "no" again, "they're spoken for, you have no chance." But still he persisted. He was also intoxicated at this point (read my latest article) so he didn't deserve those girls...and they have boyfriends. So I just left him there, left them there, if he wants to meet them, he should do the normal thing and just go up and talk to them.

      Don't get me wrong, if it were anyone who has anything to do with this site, I would be more than happy to introduce you...unless you were quite drunk. These girls were boxers, hot boxers, so they could kick the crap out of you.

      Oh, and the jazz band was Andrew Jackson or something like that. They play at Tony's Big Easy every Friday night, which might be where I am every Friday night, sitting at a table, with three lovely young ladies, and a nice little smile on my face.

      Yeah, I love women!!

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Re: I love being a jerkbailz21:33:29 02/18/03 Tue

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