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Subject: Re: News.....

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Date Posted: 11:32:04 07/19/01 Thu
In reply to: Staff 's message, "News....." on 09:55:20 07/17/01 Tue

Well check this....

I call to get my phone turned on and somebody's been using my SSN for their phone service. They also ran up a 200 phone bill and never paid it. So, this account was closed and referred to the worst collection agency in the world. I've been calling for two days now and their computer systems are down, so they have no way to tie my ssn to whichever account their tracking down. They then inform me it will be at least 2-3 weeks before the matter is settled...

Then I got mad.

I'm calling them back today and if there is no satisfaction gotten, heads (not big Giant ones) will roll.

So until I get this mess sorted out, I can get neither dial-up or DSL internet connect, and I don't want to risk getting my TV or a Satellite now incase this mess is on my credit report. So I'm setting in my new apartment, with only a 13 inch tv, limited supply of vhs tapes, no cable, and no internet....... life is good.....

I shall keep a log, not only for the courts, but also for this site..... also, the 3 letters begining with D that signify suckage are no longer DBR.... they ar DRS (the collection agency)....... so when ever something is Carrish, it should now be referred to as DRSish.....

at least I fixed 432 errors in 4 hours on my latest program....

(did I mention I life a block away from a liquor store? Until I get a phone, I will have to find my entertainment there....)

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